A betrayed wife will be tempted to act in ways that are inherently prideful. However, there is a way forward that avoids falling into sin.
This episode: In our special Thanksgiving edition, we'll talk with three staff members who fought for gratitude in the midst of trials.
In the 5th message of our Unveiling Yahweh series, we examine the Faithfulness of God and the response it should evoke in us.
This episode: After Stephen and Jubilee ruined their lives in the pursuit of wealth, God gave them a new vision centered on His Kingdom.
Timeless Truths: Genuine repentance and intimacy with Christ will prepare us for the searching light of Judgment Day.
A betrayed wife will be tempted to act in ways that are inherently prideful. However, there is a way forward that avoids falling into sin.
The self-life loves to express itself. It has many faces, but leaves us blind to the way pride takes root in our hearts.
Once we see that our self-life is the root of all sin, it's time to dig a little deeper, looking at what allows pride to flourish and grow.
The root of sexual sin is a proud, self-centered and self-indulgent heart. We should attack that root with all our might.
A man’s sexual addiction is merely the symptom of a much deeper problem. This truth has forever shaped our work at Pure Life Ministries.
It is our continual testimony that God will transform anyone who will genuinely surrender to Christ and allow Him to live through them.
Instead of making resolutions year after year that never produce any fruit, let's find out what God says will produce lasting change.
A broken marriage is a serious storm for any woman. Faith, hope, and love anchor our souls to the Lord while the tempest rages around us.
For a wife to find her way through the devastation of a husband’s sin, she needs a deep understanding of the knowledge of God's love.
A broken marriage is a serious storm for any woman. Faith, hope, and love anchor our souls to the Lord while the tempest rages around us.
Welcome to ANOTHER Christmas episode of Purity for Life! We'll reflect again on the wonder of Jesus.
Inward submission to God is just as important as outward obedience. A lack of surrender inside will cause rebellion to grow in our hearts.
Many things are tempting us to take our eyes off of Jesus this Christmas season. We'd like to help you put him at the center of your focus.
In a recent thanksgiving podcast, we asked several Pure Life staff and graduates to testify to the Lord's amazing goodness in their lives.
It is Kathy Gallagher's testimony that faith and trust in the Lord can carry a wife through even the most devastating circumstances.
Two of our staff members talk God's power to deliver. Michael–from anxiety and fear, and Luke from the bondage of sexual sin.
Reaping a good, spiritual harvest in your child's life requires years of hard work. But it's possible, and it's worth it.
In this episode, we focus on the biblical role of a father and how God's design is radically different than the one we see so often.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone! We have so much to be grateful for, and that's what we'll talk about in this holiday episode.
Lust corrupts and enslaves people. But God has given us precious promises that will enable us to escape the corruptions in this world.
The virus of sexual sin has infected our entire society. Creating a godly atmosphere in the home is key to the spiritual safety of our kids.
The atmosphere on our Residential campus is clean–free of sensuality and worldliness. This makes it much easier for people to find freedom.
Many parents ask us, “What can I do to help my child overcome sexual sin?” But this begs a deeper question: what is the role of a parent?
Biblical counselor Mark Shaw gives some scriptural advice to parents who are trying to disciple a child struggling with addiction.
For Parents: This series will offer advice to parents who are trying to disciple their children in this sexually charged culture.
Brokenness is the mark of a heart that has had a true sight of the Cross and in God's mercy. It is the foundation of a true Christian life.
After years of living an outwardly good Christian life, Lyndell’s faith had crumbled, leaving her wide open to the devil’s lies.
Kathy helps answer the question any betrayed wife might be tempted to ask and helps us see the blessings that can come from life's trials.
Lyndell's testimony demonstrates how easy it is for temptation to creep in, but how God can use what the devil means for evil for good.
A sight of eternity will strengthen a saint of God through many trials and lead him to forsake earthly comforts for the reward of Heaven.
Glenn and Jessie Meldrum address new Christians as they discuss how prayer and Bible study are vital for a true, strong Christian life.
One day we all will stand before the judgement seat of God and the question presented to us shall be, "Are you standing in The Truth?"
The Truth of God is beautiful, yet its work in our lives is necessarily painful. But many joys await the one willing to embrace such truth.
The healing, restoration, and forgiveness we long for in our lives can only come to us as we see our deep need for God to renew our hearts.
If we have been living in a false form of Christianity, then we must choose to leave it behind and surrender to God's rule over our lives.
Resisting deception in our lives involves fighting against our own flesh, because it is constantly seeking to agree with the lies around us.
Behind the world of lies is a wicked being in total opposition to God's character. His purpose is to mold us into his evil image.
For 10 long years after his conversion Dustin lived a double life, a good Christian on the outside and an addict in secret.
Every man and woman must make the choice to forsake the world's deceptive system and submit to live by God's standard of truth.
Dustin came to Pure Life after years of slavery to the devil's will. His story will help you see the enemy's schemes in your own life.
Just 50 years ago America experienced great revival. But today, the church is riddled with deception. This presents us with a stark warning.
Understanding the character and strategy of the devil will help believers to disentangle themselves from his wickedness and deception.
The church has experienced times of revival and times of lukewarmness. Only a vibrant walk with Christ will keep us on the right path.
Modern life is reliant on technology. But this has opened the door to a world of lies which will influence us if we are not on guard.
The message permeating much of modern Christianity matches the characteristics of the last days church described in Scripture.
The past 100 years of American history has led us away from our virtuous founding to a culture of selfishness and pride on a massive scale.
Technology has given us access to an almost limitless information. But this has made us vulnerable to the influence of the world of lies.
Hopelessness can lead to self-pity and despair, which will stop us from finding victory and create a barrier between us and God.
Much of what the American church culture sees as truth is actually twisted by rampant, dangerous deception.
The noble ideals of our nation's founding have given way to a selfish and prideful spirit which permeates every aspect of modern America.
We cannot measure our walk with God by looking at our outward performance. We must strive for a real encounter and relationship with God.
The sinful desires of our heart make us vulnerable to deception, but knowing what God desires will help prevent our caving in to lies.
In the culture truth is relative. In the church abundant biblical knowledge is bearing little fruit. Our only hope is to hunger for Truth!
The lies of our culture can distract us and even make us cynical, which present a real threat for anyone seeking to overcome sexual sin.
What is deception? How does it work? Why are we so prone to being deceived? The truth is more personal than we might expect.
If a Christian has the right goal for counseling in mind, he will assuredly find victory over the problems in his life.
Three Pure Life counselors explore the inner life of a sex addict and unpack three fundamental issues that contribute to his problems.
Every lie and half-truth carries with it a hidden danger ready to steal, kill and destroy our life in God.
To effectively help people we must understand the true nature of their problems and see that past experiences play only a part of addiction.
Through Pure Life Ministries, God brought Shawn and Susan through the most difficult period of their lives and gave them a joyful marriage.
The Word of God plays a critical role in helping people overcome their problems. But to be effective, it must be lived out by the counselor.
Many believe they can live a Christian life while in habitual sin. This isn't true and there is a better way. They can live wholly for God!
In this episode, we discuss the false religion that tempts all of us.
Self-pity is a trap set out by the devil to discourage us from finding repentance, faith and salvation and we must avoid it at all costs.
For women in sexual sin, having a trusted woman willing to speak into their lives and help her face the truth is a tremendous help.
Self-pity is an easy trap for those in habitual sin to fall into. But it is simply another lie keeping you away from real faith and victory.
We look at how Christians should seek, not only to find a good spouse, but to please and honor God in this whole process.
For a woman addicted to sexual sin, it is not just the action, but a complex chain of thoughts and emotions which she is falling victim to.
Kathy helps us understand how to deal with painful emotions biblically, and how to allow God to have His rightful place in our hearts.
Kathy Gallagher helps us to understand the reasons that tempt women to become involved with pornography and other illicit sexual activities.
There are clear answers and spiritual principles that will help to to guide your child to victory over porn addiction.
A false gospel is being preached that rejects the cross, and so many in the church are unaware of what it really means to follow Jesus.
Before beginning to seek a spouse, the repentant sinner must ensure their hearts and minds are ready for the responsibility of marriage.
Without a realization of the depth of our sin before a holy God, we lack the strength to turn from our sins, and live in the power of God.
Anyone who wants to follow Jesus must be willing to die to a self-centered mindset. But learning to surrender brings deep transformation.
The pursuit of pleasure and comfort leads many into sexual sin. But when the lust for pleasure is overcome, sexual sin’s hold is broken.
We've been trained to want instant results, but that isn't God's way. It is crucial to maintain a long-term mindset when seeking victory.
Paul's words to the Romans are critical for a man seeking to overcome his sin. We discuss how to apply them so as to experience real change.
The lives of Peter and Judas paint two contrasting examples of how any of us can respond to the Message of the Cross.
Jesus has promised an abundant life to those who will put down the religious façade and confess the true condition of their hearts to God.
At the core, we want to give in to sin's enticement. Gaining victory first comes with taking responsibility for what's going on inside us.
God is calling us to separate ourselves from the world culture. But there are many things keeping God's people from a deeper walk with Him.
The depth of a woman's relationship with God will determine how she responds to the pain and difficulties that come from a broken marriage.
The Bible teaches that trials are a gift that will bring about good in our lives if we learn to put our hope in something unshakable.
In America, the Bible isn't outlawed, but its teaching is often discredited and perverted. This is leaving millions wide open to deception.
All men need the salvation found in Jesus. A fallen leader can find the it too when he trades in religion for a relationship with Christ.
Obedience may seem like a list of rules, but when God tells us to obey Him, He’s inviting us to a life where we reap a wonderful harvest.
Even though faith is integral to Christianity, a man who only sees his past failure and sin may doubt what the Bible says about freedom.
The fight for freedom from sexual sin is often a long, drawn out battle. But it is worth it, and we must not grow discouraged along the way
If we are going to take up our cross, then we must deny ourselves. This means agreeing with what God says about the nature of our hearts.
Following the principles laid out in Scripture will help you to disciple your child through their struggle and lead them to Christ!
Holiness is often dismissed by Christians as legalistic. Yet compromising with the world is a sure way to fall in to sexual temptation.
As we examine how the devil tempted Christ, we find insights that will give men in sexual sin tools to battle their temptations and trials.
There is a direct correlation between the quality of one's prayer life and true freedom from sexual sin.
Temptation will come for a man seeking freedom from porn. But learning how to fight will defeat it and bring greater measures of freedom.
A vibrant walk with God requires daily time in the Word to help us combat the spiritual lethargy which we can so easily fall victim to.
Prayer is a vital aspect in overcoming porn addiction as it draws us deeper into relationship with God and aligns our hearts with His heart.
Even though pornography pollutes the thoughts of a sex addict, God promises that His Word has the power to purify our hearts and our minds.
Though our hearts must be set on a course striving to please God, there is biblical precedence for living in a way that avoids temptations.
To leave the past behind a wife must find peace and hope in God. Then she will have strength to endure and even blessings amidst the pain.