
This Weekend will awaken your church to the schemes of the enemy. It will be a call to the men and women in your church to return to God’s image of purity and holiness.

This life-changing Weekend prepares Christians to:

  • Live a pure life in an impure culture
  • Honor God with their thoughts
  • Make needed life changes
  • Protect their homes from ungodly influences
  • Restore broken relationships

Though we address sexual sin, living a pure life encompasses all areas of life. Our message ultimately points people to matters of the heart and a full surrender to God. This is why we believe that this Weekend will impact every member of your church, regardless of whether they struggle with a specific sexual sin or not. Our most common comment after an event is “I wish I knew what this event was really going to be about. I would’ve invited more people to come.”

Pastor's Perspective

Hear from pastors who have hosted a Call to Purity Weekend at their church.


Our Speaking Team

Every member of our speaking team uniquely embodies the biblical message of purity and freedom they teach to others. They have learned how to keep their own hearts pure in the midst of this sexualized culture, and all have a burden to help others walk in purity.

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Luke Imperato

Director of Residential Counseling

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Nate Danser

Vice President for Ministry Outreach

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Ed Buch

Vice President for Counseling Programs

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Dustin Renz

President of Make Way Ministries

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Joshua Rowand

Ministry Partnerships | Certified Biblical Counselor

Event Schedule

7:00 PM - 9:00 PM

Worship, Session One

9:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Worship, Sessions Two and Three


A Pure Life speaker can speak at your church's service upon request

Event Cost

For the purpose of securing a date for the event, a $250 deposit is required. We request that travel expenses for our speaking team be reimbursed at the conclusion of the event. In addition to this, churches have provided love offerings ranging from $450 to $3,000 (usually depending on the size of the church).

To offset the expenses of the event, many churches have elected to charge a modest registration fee.

Other Events

Already have an event planned? We can provide the speakers! Our speakers are equipped to address a range of topics from a biblical perspective, including:

Pornography Addiction

Whether you are holding a men's retreat, a college event or just want us to speak during a Sunday service, we are willing and able to help.

Contact Us

For more information, contact our Speaking Ministry Coordinator today!

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