Repentance is so vital to the Christian life, that there will be catastrophic consequences if we neglect it. Without repentance, there’s no forgiveness, no cleansing, no salvation, and no sanctification. That’s why—for those who need it—repentance must not be put off even one more day. Don't miss the final episode in our series, “Rediscovering the Gift of Repentance.”
This episode: Repentance is so central to being a Christian that there will be catastrophic consequences if we neglect it.
The theme of this year's Annual Conference is "Watch and Pray." Steve and Kathy Gallagher join Nate Danser to talk about why this theme is of urgent importance for Christians.
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"Watch and Pray" is the theme of our 2025 Annual Conference. Steve and Kathy Gallagher discuss why this theme is important for Christians.
Many people assume that when we preach the gospel, the first thing we should tell people is that God loves them. But New Testament preachers like Jesus and His apostles actually did something very different: They first told people about their need for repentance.
This episode: So many believe the gospel begins with "God loves you." But Jesus and His apostles first told people of their need to repent.
With so many conferences to choose from, what makes the Pure Life Ministries Annual Conference worth attending? What is the spiritual value for our guests? Steve and Kathy Gallagher join Nate Danser to answer those questions.
**Get all the details about our Annual Conference at**
What makes the Pure Life Ministries Annual Conference worth attending? Steve and Kathy Gallagher join Nate Danser to answer that question.
Repentance is an ancient concept—one could say it is as old as sin itself. From the very beginning, whenever God's people have been separated from Him by sin, repentance has been the key to restoring their relationship with Him. In today’s show, we’ll explore repentance throughout the long history of God's dealings with Israel.
This episode: Repentance has always been the path to restoration with God. Today we explore its role throughout His history with Israel.
Many Christians don't realize that God never intended for repentance to be a one-time event, because sin isn't overcome all at once! It's overcome little by little, and every time we truly repent, we're given new power to overcome sin, and new power for holy living.
This episode: Sin is never overcome all at once, and so true repentance is not something we do one time. It's a lifestyle that we live.
Repentance and brokenness might seem negative...until you experience the spiritual benefits that flow from them. For example: a true fear of God that destroys the love of sin. A deep resolve to pursue restoration in our relationships. A zeal to be right with God, no matter the cost. In this show, we'll look at some of the beautiful fruits that come from repentance.
This episode: Repentance and brokenness might seem negative, but not once you've experienced the spiritual benefits that come from them.
According to Jesus, the pathway into the Kingdom of God is marked out by two inseparable things—genuine repentance from our sins and a real choice to put our faith and trust in Him. But, in our church culture, many seem to think that repentance is unnecessary as long as you "believe." In this episode, Steve Gallagher will address this fatal error by showing that there is no such thing as saving faith apart from repentance.
This episode: It's a fatal mistake to think repentance is unnecessary as long as you believe. There is no real faith apart from repentance.
According to Jesus, everything that comes with eternal life—power over sin, a renewed heart, a changed life—comes through repentance. So what is going on with professing Christians who do not seem to have that kind of spiritual life? Is it possible that they have nothing more than a superficial repentance that leaves them unchanged and still dead in their sins?
This episode: Genuine repentance gives power over sin and transforms lives. Superficial repentance leaves people unchanged and in bondage.
No one will repent without being broken by the Holy Spirit's conviction over their sin. This requires courage, sincerity and a desperation to know the truth—even when the truth exposes the worst things about us. But, this is the only way to life. Every other path leads to death. In today’s show: The Valley of Decision.
This episode: God desires all to reach repentance, but here's the critical issue: Will we allow the Spirit's conviction to lead us there?
"You’re a good person." This is one of Satan's deadliest lies, because if we believe that we're good, we will never see our need for repentance. In the 2nd episode of our series, "Rediscovering the Gift of Repentance," we'll talk about why there is no such thing as a good person, and why everyone needs to repent.
This episode: People who think they're good never see a need to repent. This makes "you're a good person" one of Satan's deadliest lies.
In light of God’s unlimited power and glorious redemption, why are our churches filled with men trapped in pornography? Why are marriages breaking apart at record rates? It’s because something crucial has been lost—something so vital that, without it, the power of God is rendered useless in our lives. In our latest series, "Rediscovering the Gift of Repentance," we’ll focus on the invaluable gift of repentance, the only vehicle we’ve been given to be saved from the power of sin and come back into God’s life-giving, life-changing presence.
In our new series, we focus on the precious gift of repentance, the only vehicle that will bring us back into God’s life-changing presence.