#398 - World of Lies: The Truth About Deception

August 17, 2020
Pure Life Ministries Podcast

Pure Life Ministries has been a pioneer in dealing with sexual addiction and its consequences for over 35 years. During that span of time thousands of people have found freedom through our counseling programs and teaching materials.

The biblical writers characterized the last days as deception on a massive scale, a global assault on truth that would deceive not only the unbelieving world, but multitudes inside the four walls of the Church. And it seems clear that we are now living in the very last of those days they spoke of. If that’s true, then there is one thing we know for sure.

We are being lied to every day, all day, in many different ways. Today we look at the truth about deception: what it is, how it works, and why people are deceived.

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Biblical counseling is the heart and soul of our ministry.
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Pure Life Ministries Podcast

This is the weekly purity podcast from Pure Life Ministries. Our show will take you where real life meets real Christianity as we tackle the tough issues for those struggling with sexual sin. Thanks for listening!

Purity for Life Episode #398: World of Lies: The Truth About Deception

#398 - World of Lies: The Truth About Deception

The biblical writers characterized the last days as deception on a massive scale, a global assault on truth that would deceive not only the unbelieving world, but multitudes inside the four walls of the Church. And it seems clear that we are now living in the very last of those days they spoke of. If that’s true, then there is one thing we know for sure.

We are being lied to every day, all day, in many different ways. Today we look at the truth about deception: what it is, how it works, and why people are deceived.

This is the weekly purity podcast from Pure Life Ministries. Our show will take you where real life meets real Christianity as we tackle the tough issues for those struggling with sexual sin. Thanks for listening!