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Sexual Sin

#611 - No Other Entrance into God's Presence | Rediscovering the Gift of Repentance

Pure Life Ministries Podcast

In our new series, we focus on the precious gift of repentance, the only vehicle that will bring us back into God’s life-changing presence.

Spiritual Growth

#556 (REPLAY) - Why You Should Read "Evidence Not Seen"

Pure Life Ministries Podcast

Darlene Deibler Rose was a simple woman who found that God's comfort outshines suffering and His Presence is more powerful than loss.


Timeless Truths: Be Holy, Says the Lord

Steve Gallagher

Timeless Truths: If we contaminate ourselves with the spirit of this world, it will defile us and lead us away from the Lord.


Yahweh, My Portion | Unveiling Yahweh Series

Nate Danser

In the 10th message of our "Unveiling Yahweh" series, we will learn how to claim God as our portion.

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Pure Life Ministries Podcast Episode #611: No Other Entrance into God's Presence | Rediscovering the Gift of Repentance

#611 - No Other Entrance into God's Presence | Rediscovering the Gift of Repentance


In our new series, we focus on the precious gift of repentance, the only vehicle that will bring us back into God’s life-changing presence.

Sexual Sin

In light of God’s unlimited power and glorious redemption, why are our churches filled with men trapped in pornography? Why are marriages breaking apart at record rates? It’s because something crucial has been lost—something so vital that, without it, the power of God is rendered useless in our lives. In our latest series, "Rediscovering the Gift of Repentance," we’ll focus on the invaluable gift of repentance, the only vehicle we’ve been given to be saved from the power of sin and come back into God’s life-giving, life-changing presence.


Pure Life Ministries Podcast Episode #556 (REPLAY): Why You Should Read "Evidence Not Seen"

#556 (REPLAY) - Why You Should Read "Evidence Not Seen"


Darlene Deibler Rose was a simple woman who found that God's comfort outshines suffering and His Presence is more powerful than loss.

Spiritual Growth

Darlene Deibler went to Indonesia to preach the gospel to cannibalistic tribes. But when war broke out, she found herself plunged into the horrors of a WWII prisoner-of-war camp. And yet, Darlene would spend the rest of her life telling about a God whose comfort outshined her sufferings, whose presence was more precious than her losses, and whose loving provision was as faithful as the morning sun.


Man surrendering on his knees at the cross

Timeless Truths: Be Holy, Says the Lord


Timeless Truths: If we contaminate ourselves with the spirit of this world, it will defile us and lead us away from the Lord.

Finding Freedom
Spiritual Growth

In this Timeless Truths segment: As members of the church, we are called to be holy and set apart for God’s purposes. This will require a vigilance on our part, because the spirit of this world is always seeking to defile us and lead us away from the Lord.

Host: Steve, as we continue our discussions today on your book, “Intoxicated with Babylon,” in that book, one of the key messages was the need for God's people to separate themselves from the unbelieving world around them. Talk to us first about how that played itself out in the Old Testament times.

Steve: One of the great expectations God had of His people in the Old Testament times was that they would remain separate from the pagan nations around them such as the Canaanites, the Amorites, and so on, because those nations were totally given over to devil worship. But not just that, it was also that their lifestyles were very ungodly and carnal. So, the nation of Israel was like an island. That's the way that Yahweh foresaw it, that His presence would prevail in that land and amongst that people and then from there, they would be able to export that godliness to the heathen nations around them.

Host: Okay. How did that change then as we move into the New Testament times?

Steve: When we come into the New Testament, everything changed at Calvary. Jesus Christ’s death was the sacrifice for man's sin. We no longer had to go through the sacrificial system, but that did not end God's expectation of His people to be separated unto His purposes. The difference now would be that instead of them being a people who were physically separated by national borders, now God's people were going to be living amongst the unsaved. And yet in their hearts, and this is the great change from the Old Testament to the New, instead of things being outward, now they were going to be inward. So, in the New Testament Times, God's people were expected to remain separate from the world in their hearts.

Host: But so often what we see amongst professing Christians today is that they have made some response to the call of God and yet they're still living with one foot in the Devil's kingdom and foot in God's kingdom. What does the Word of God tell us about that?

Steve: Well, actually the Greek is very clear on this and I'm not sure why it hasn't been brought out more by other Bible teachers. For instance, the word “hagios,” which is the word we see for “saints” throughout the New Testament, literally means separated ones. Set apart ones. Holy ones. That's what the word means, and that's what a believer is supposed to be. Someone separated from the unsaved world around them. And the same concept is transferred to the corporate body of these separated ones with the Greek word for “church,” which is “ecclesia”. And that comes from the combining of the two words “ek” which means out and “klétos,” which means called. So, in other words, the Church in the Greek literally means called out ones.

Host: Steve, in 2 Corinthians 6, Paul goes into some significant detail about what it really means to live as a separated Christian. And in your book, you brought out of that passage 3 commandments. Let's go through those. I think that'll help folks to understand really what it means to be a separated Christian. You started out with the first commandment, get out of unequal yokes.

Steve: Yeah, and this one is one of those things where people get themselves into relationships with unbelievers that really are only going to drain them spiritually and lead them astray. For instance, a young Christian girl marries an unbelieving boyfriend. Now we all know stories where God has used it for good and the boy ends up getting saved and they live happily ever after. But we should never take one of those exceptions and use it to dismiss the wisdom and even the commandment in God's Word. When He says do not be unequally yoked, we need to take that commandment seriously.

Host: Steve, how do we reconcile that command with our responsibility to be a witness? I mean we are after all, “in this world.”

Steve: That's a very good point. We are to be a light to an unbelieving world. It’s one thing to have a loose association with unbelievers, such as unbelieving family and coworkers where you can live out the Christian life before them and they can see Christ through your life. But to be in close intimate relationships with unbelievers, that's another matter. That's the difference between the two.

Host: Okay. The second command that you took out of that passage from Paul was that your lifestyle must change.

Steve: The implication there was that before they came to Christ, they were part of this ungodly world. In fact, Paul had written to the Ephesians, “you were dead in your trespasses and sins, in which you formerly walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air.” (Ephesians 2:1-2a, NASB 1995) You see, we formerly walked according to the course of this world. But when we come to Christ, something must change. That's what repentance is all about. We repent of and turn away from the Devil's kingdom and we now join ourselves with God's Kingdom. And we take on a whole new value system and we identify ourselves with the purposes of God. Any part of our lifestyle that still reflects that old worldly mentality must change.

Host: OK. Then the third command was to decontaminate yourself.

Steve: Paul told the Corinthians in this passage, “Let us cleanse ourselves from all defilement of flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God.” (2 Corinthians 7:1b, NASB 1995) Again, this is another direct reference to the contaminating influences of this fallen world around us. The picture of it comes from Old Testament times. When you got around a leper’s house, let's say you had to go in that house for some reason, the idea was not to touch anything because you're going to become terribly contaminated. That’s the same kind of mentality I believe that Paul had when he's telling these Greek believers that they need to separate themselves from the ungodly world around them and not become involved with it because you will be contaminated by it.


Host: You know, as you're sharing that Steve, it should become real to many of us is that in the church today, we're not hearing this kind of preaching. We’re not hearing this kind of message that we have to take these things seriously.

Steve: I know, and I believe the reason for that is because so much of the church has already become so immersed in this world and the pagan culture in which we live. I think for most Christians, the culture is much bigger in their minds and in their hearts than the Kingdom of God. But nevertheless, these commandments are still there. For instance, not long ago I was in a hotel and I watched some television, something I rarely have the opportunity to do and rarely do. But I was just flipping through the channels trying to find a decent channel, something like the History Channel, and just in one go round through the channels I saw unbelievable things. And what occurred to me later is that this is what Christians are immersing themselves with every night practically. They are contaminating themselves with the immoral values of this world. And let's not forget that Satan is called the Prince of this World.

Host: I think one of the things that was very encouraging to me in reading this chapter and that I think will help folks to understand the long term goal of God wanting us to come out from this world, is that we really need to have an eternal perspective because we do have a home that we're going to. There is a reason God is wanting to prepare us in this way.

Steve: Yeah. I mean, it sounds like a totally negative message that we're talking about, but there is a purpose behind it. The purpose is to separate ourselves from the world. For what? For God. Because He is calling a people out unto Himself. Jesus is calling a bride out to Himself and He's not going to have a bride with other lovers. And the eternal ramifications of that love affair are just so astounding, they're beyond our comprehension.

Yahweh, My Portion | Unveiling Yahweh Series by Nate Danser on 01/08/2025

Yahweh, My Portion | Unveiling Yahweh Series


In the 10th message of our "Unveiling Yahweh" series, we will learn how to claim God as our portion.

Finding Freedom

In the 10th message of our "Unveiling Yahweh" series, we will learn how to truly claim Yahweh as our portion.

Everyone spends their lives trying to fulfill their perceived needs, whether it’s the need for security, intimacy, pleasure, or anything else. But Psalm 16 reveals something very important about our Creator: that He is the true fulfillment we all truly need. Unfortunately, most in the church still seek to fulfill their needs just like the world does: apart from God. In today’s message, Nate Danser looks at Psalm 16, and how it reveals how God is the ultimate portion for our souls.

Pure Life Ministries Podcast Episode #610: I'm Bombarded with Sexual Thoughts | Ask the Counselor

#610 - I'm Bombarded with Sexual Thoughts | Ask the Counselor


This episode: Bombarded with unrelenting sexual thoughts? Find out why you should never believe that real freedom is out of reach.

Sexual Sin
Finding Freedom

Many people struggle to believe they can be free from sexual sin because even if they manage to avoid pornography, they’re still constantly being bombarded with sexual thoughts. In this episode, we’ll discuss why we should never use temptation as an excuse to stay in defeat, why the battle against lust is actually a positive thing, and the key to growing strong enough to stand firm when temptation arises.


Potter molding clay

Timeless Truths: God is Always Working in Our Lives


Timeless Truths: God knows every person by name and wants to draw them to Himself and conform them into the image of His Son.

Spiritual Growth

Many cynically believe that God created the universe, but now remains distant, aloof and uninvolved. But the truth is that God holds intimate knowledge of every person and is always working behind the scenes to draw them to Jesus. And when He wins a person's heart, He faithfully works to conform them into the image of His Son.

Host: Rose, as we continue our discussions on Steve Gallagher’s book, “Living in Victory,” we want to talk this week about Chapter 9: “The God Who Works.” And when you think of all the men and women who have ever existed, and ever will exist, God really is busy at work, isn't He?

Rose: It’s mind boggling. It’s impossible to even wrap your mind around it. He's huge.

Host: What a God we have. You know, there are different views on how God interacts with man. There are those who believe that God has created everything and then basically took His hands off His creation and is just kind of letting things wind along on their own. But I don't know how you can come to that conclusion reading Scripture, because Scripture certainly paints a different view of God's interaction with man.

Rose: If you look at Scripture or even our own lives you will see how involved God is in every detail in our lives. I think about Psalm 139 where it says, “For You formed my inward parts; You covered me in my mother’s womb.” (Psalm 139:13, NKJV) And then it goes on to say, “My frame was not hidden from You, When I was made in secret, and skillfully wrought in the lowest parts of the earth. Your eyes saw my substance, being yet unformed. And in Your book they all were written, the days fashioned for me, when as yet there were none of them.” (Psalm 139:15-16, NKJV)
       Every single person on this planet, God sees them and knows them from the minute they are conceived in their mother's womb. And everything about that person's life, God already knows about from the beginning to the end. To me that is just so amazing. Just think about all the ways God goes out of His way to work in our lives through different circumstances, or situations that go a certain way. And it’s all to bring us to a place where we see our need for God and cry out to Him so that we can turn to Him and come to know the One who created us.

Host: Right. It's pretty obvious when somebody is converted. They can say, as Paul said, “we were bought at a great price.” When you are born again, you can really see the work of Christ and what He did. But sometimes I think we forget about all the things that God did in our lives leading up to that point.

Rose: If you look back from there, you see that God has been involved in every single thing you’ve gone through. Whether it was good or not good, He’s been involved in it all. He’s been quietly behind the scenes working, and the whole thing He’s been working towards is to draw us to Himself.

Host: Yes. And when we come to that point of salvation, that certainly isn't where His work stops. He doesn't stop working on us at that point. And the mistake I made was thinking, “OK, I'm saved. It's all over. I can go live my life the way I want to live it.” But no! He's very involved in our lives after that point.

Rose: He really is. It's amazing how He'll put people in our lives even. I can remember when before I began walking with the Lord. He had me working alongside a woman that was constantly sharing Jesus with me. And then even after I gave my heart to the Lord, He positioned other people in my life. In the workplace. At the college I was attending at night. I was seeking a church to get involved with and He put people in my pathway to help me find the right one. He constantly brought people into my life that were able to speak into my life and help me to grow in my relationship with the Lord, people who would give me godly counsel and wisdom.

Host: Amen. But sometimes He brings people into our lives to rub us the wrong way so that we can see what’s in our heart.

Rose: That too. And you know, many times we think it's the enemy coming against us, and we don't see that it's the hand of God that is all over things. There may be someone at work we're not getting along with. Or someone that we have a completely different personality than. Maybe our personalities rub against one another. And then we get all upset and blame the devil for what we are going through. And meanwhile the Lord is saying “no, I'm bringing this situation or this person into your life because I want you to see what's in your heart.”


Host: Yes. And that's one of the wonderful things that we experience here at Pure Life Ministries, because we work together and we live in such close proximity to one another. We're together so often and it's wonderful to see how God uses different personalities in this little family of ours to do a work inside of each of us.

Rose: Yeah. He does. And I think about the verse that says iron sharpens iron. (Proverbs 27:17) There's a lot of sharpening happening here.

Host: Yeah. There's a lot of sharpening going on here for sure. But it's a wonderful mercy of God to allow that sharpening to happen.

Rose: It really is, because He's wanting to conform us into the image of Christ. But we often don't realize how much we're not like Christ until we're around other people. Especially other people that aren't like us.

Host: Yeah. And what we see through this is that God has tremendous care and concern for His people.

Rose: He does. Romans talks about how there's a groaning going on and that the Sons of God will be revealed on the earth in the last days. And the Lord is trying to work in our lives to bring that about so that when people look at us will see a living epistle not written with ink, but an epistle of the Holy Spirit flowing out of our lives.

Host: You know, Rose, we're talking about the God who works, and what you're talking about kind of reminds me of the Potter and the clay. And if you've ever watched a potter put the clay on the wheel, sometimes the clay gets all messed up and he has to kind of bring it back down and start over. And I think if we understand that, then it will help us to understand how God works in our life. There are going to be good times and bad times. There are going to be times where we feel close to the Lord and times where we feel far away from the Lord. But in the midst of it all, our Father's hands are still on that clay and He's still molding us.

Rose: Yeah. What's so amazing is that as He's molding us and shaping us, His imprint is being placed on us. And the finished product has His imprint all over it. Think about it. When someone's working on that piece of pottery, they beat it down and it looks ugly, but they keep working with it and working with it until it becomes something beautiful. But that beautiful piece of pottery now has the master’s imprints all over it and around it, inside of it and underneath it. And that's really what He's after in our lives.

Host: I was in high school when I tried putting clay on the wheel and it ended up flying off the wheel. But God doesn't do that. He is perfectly balanced. He knows just what we can take, just what we need.

Rose: Yeah. He's perfectly balanced in what He's creating, and we just have to cooperate with Him just like the clay does. It just lays there and basically says, “go ahead, do with me what you want to.”

Host: Yes. It’s a wonderful work that He's doing in us and wants to do in all of us.

Rose: Amen.

Yahweh Gives Good Gifts | Unveiling Yahweh Series by Ed Buch on 12/27/2024

Yahweh Gives Good Gifts | Unveiling Yahweh Series


In the 9th message of our “Unveiling Yahweh” series, Ed Buch breaks down the amazingly good gifts of God.

Finding Freedom
Spiritual Growth

In the 9th message of our "Unveiling Yahweh" series, we will be looking at God as a giver.

Our fallen nature makes us quick to malign God’s character. When life doesn’t give us what we want, we call God a killjoy. If providence steals a cherished person or possession from us, we see Him a taker. But these lies couldn’t be further from the truth. God is full of goodness. He desires to lavish His children with blessing. God is always a good giver. 

In this message, Ed Buch helps us see the amazingly good gifts of God, and the many forms they can take in our lives.

Pure Life Ministries Podcast Episode #609: Why Don't I Feel God's Love? | Ask the Counselor

#609 - Why Don't I Feel God's Love? | Ask the Counselor


This episode: A true love relationship with God breaks the power of sin. What should a person do if they don't sense God's love for them?

Finding Freedom
Spiritual Growth

What struggling men and women truly need is an intimate love relationship with God, because a deep, personal experience of God's love will break the hold of sin. Unfortunately, many people caught in sexual sin are uncertain whether God loves them. In this show, we’ll discuss what might block someone from experiencing a sense of God’s love and, more importantly, what can be done about it.


  • "Victory" (Podcast Series) By Pure Life Ministries Podcast
Pure Life Ministries Podcast Episode #608: Waiting on God for Deliverance

#608 - Waiting on God for Deliverance


This episode: Deliverance from sexual sin often comes only after truly waiting on God. Learn some of these principles in today's episode!

Sexual Sin

When Jesus Christ came to earth, He brought deliverance for His people, though not immediately—it required waiting. This same spirit of waiting is required for those who are longing for freedom from sexual sin. In this non-traditional Christmas episode, we explore why waiting on God is essential for victory, common misconceptions about waiting, and why we can confidently trust that God will come and deliver if we truly wait on Him.


Ministry Update - December 2024

Ministry Update - December 2024

Short Videos

We're so excited about all the Lord is doing through our ministry! Check out our latest video to find out what we've been up to in 2024.

For Leaders
Finding Freedom

What an exciting year it’s been here at Pure Life Ministries—we can’t wait to tell you all about it! Join Nate and Josh as they share updates from our Residential Program here in Kentucky, all the way to what God is doing through Pure Life Ministries Brazil! Plus, hear a special message from our founder and president, Steve Gallagher.

Short Videos
Man praising the Lord

Timeless Truths: The Evidence of Saving Faith


Timeless Truths: The evidence of saving faith is not that a person believes doctrines, but that they love and obey God from the heart.

Spiritual Growth

According to modern church culture, to be saved means that you believe some doctrines and go to church. But according to Scripture, to be saved means that your life has been revolutionized from the inside out so that you love and obey God from the heart.

Host: Steve Gallagher has joined me in the studio. Steve is the founder of Pure Life Ministries. Steve, it’s great to see you again. Thanks for coming in.

Steve: It's good to be with you.

Host: Steve, as we continue our discussions in your book “Standing Firm Through the Great Apostasy,” we want to talk today about Chapter 4: The Evidence of Faith. You said in the beginning of this chapter that for many years you thought the greatest problem in the Church today was a lack of discipleship, but you changed your perspective on that.

Steve: Yeah, I had a revelation one day. It occurred to me that the problem isn't a lack of discipleship. The problem is that pastors are killing themselves trying to disciple unconverted people into the Christian life. And that’s just not possible.

Host: You know, one of the problems we see in our churches today is that there is a salvation experience taught that really is nothing more than an intellectual assent to the historic Jesus. You make the point in your book that there should be some particular evidence of saving faith in the life of someone who has truly been converted. So, today we want to talk about the different evidences we should see. One of the first things that you brought up was a childlikeness. Talk a little bit about what you mean by that.

Steve: Well, that comes from Matthew 18, where Jesus makes the very clear statement, “Unless you are converted and become like children, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven.” (Matthew 18:3b, NASB 1995) That's pretty cut and dry. There is something about childlikeness that Jesus is saying is required for this entrance into the kingdom of heaven, and really the most pronounced quality of a child is their utter dependence upon their parents for life. That is the one quality about a child that stands out more than any other thing. They completely depend upon their parents for the sustenance of life.

Host: Now then, relate that to the individual believer. When someone comes into true faith, what are they shifting their dependence from and to?

Steve: They're shifting their dependence from self to God. That's the bottom line. A person with a spurious faith can believe all the right doctrines and have all the proper understanding of biblical teachings, but they have never transferred their true trust from themselves to God.


Host: Steve, you also said that faith is proven by change in this chapter. And I know that in the Church in America, this is argued all the time. The question that arises a lot is, “Can I really have a true saving faith without having a changed life?”

Steve: Well, people tend to look at change as a change in their worldview. They've gone from a Pagan worldview to a maybe some kind of right-wing, Christian worldview. That's a mental change. A heart change is something different because a person’s perspectives, their values, everything changes. Not just in their belief system, but in the way they actually live their lives. And that change is reflected in a process which the Bible calls sanctification.

Host: Now, the great danger here that you point out is that someone can be in church and just naturally take on the characteristics of the people around them. But that heart change that you're talking about may never have taken place.

Steve: Yeah, because in the evangelical realm, there is a certain way of doing life. You're nice to each other. You don't cuss. You don’t pull out a cigarette and light it up in your pew. There are just certain unspoken rules that govern evangelical life. So you can basically fit yourself into that culture without having had an inward change of heart.

Host: When you think about it, the difference really is the motivation for changing. We're not changing because we're trying to keep some set of rules. We're changing out of our love for the Lord and our gratitude for what He's done for us. That kind of change is evidence of true faith.

Steve: And that kind of change is evidence that the Spirit of the living God is indwelling your heart, because we don't have it in our flesh to want to please God. We can have it in our flesh to want to obey rules and to want to fit in with the church culture we’re in. Or even to want to not stand out in the crowd, but we don't have it in ourselves to love God. Only the Spirit living in us can compel us to do that.

Host: And that really leads us to our next point, which is that faith is proven by obedience.

Steve: Yeah. And the point I made in the book, basically if I could sum it up this way is that in the dark ages, the pendulum had swung way over to the side of works. The Catholic Church had instituted a system of rules and rituals to earn your salvation by penance and obeying tradition. Then Martin Luther came along stood against salvation by works. And so, the protestant movement took on that mantra—and rightly so. But we've gone now to the other extreme. It was actually Martin Luther who coined a term that is so appropriate to what the Church is facing today.
       The term is “antinomianism”. “Anti” means against, and “nomos” is the law. So, those who embrace antinomianism are people who do not want to be constrained by biblical commandments. So, the opposite extreme of what the Catholics were pushing in the Dark Ages has become what we are facing in the church of the 21st century, which is the throwing off of all restraints put upon our lives and this feeling like we don't have to obey God. And the idea is that we should obey God for the most part, but we’re saved not by works but by faith. So, because of that fact, it really doesn't matter what we do.

Host: And yet that cuts so dramatically against what Jesus Himself said was evidence of love for Him.

Steve: Well, it's throughout all of Jesus’ teachings. He could not be clearer in saying that if you love me, you will obey my commandments.

Host: Yes, Amen. The last evidence that you gave is that you talked about the evidence of faith being proven by a person’s fruit.

Steve: Well again, I can refer directly to the words of Jesus. This is coming out of John 15, “He who abides in Me and I in him, he bears much fruit, for apart from Me you can do nothing.” (John 15:5b, NASB 1995) And He goes on to say, “If anyone does not abide in Me, he is thrown away as a branch and dries up; and they gather them, and cast them into the fire and they are burned.” (John 15:6, NASB 1995) And it is said in various other ways throughout the New Testament that fruit bearing is evidence of one’s faith.

Host: Steve, as you closed this chapter you shared the story of a man named Robert who came into the Pure Life Ministries Residential Program. That might be a great way to end this discussion today. Tell us that story.

Steve: Well, Robert is like a son to me. Robert came to us, having grown up in an evangelical church and by the time he came to us, he had just attempted suicide. He was on several psychotropic drugs. He weighed 500 lbs. He was in uncontrolled homosexual behavior. And when he went and confessed to his pastor about all his struggles, his pastor's solution was to make him a Deacon of the church. And that threw him into more hopelessness and despair, which is actually when he tried committing suicide. So, then somehow he found out about Pure Life and when he came to us, it would be hard to have found a more hopeless person than Robert walking this campus. And yet, because there was something inside him, a sincere desire to really have the Lord, Robert started responding to the Holy Spirit. And little by little, God started transforming his inward life. And pretty soon the pounds were flying off of him. He lost 200 lbs. while he was in the program. And you know, Robert’s life is a glowing testimony of someone who obeyed God and the fruit that will come out of that obedience.

Host: And we see that replicated in many of the lives of men who come to us, and we see it throughout the true Church of God. Where there is true faith, we see real evidence of genuine faith in their lives.

Steve: I see it all over America. You see people who have really come to the Lord. They just stand out and it's such a blessing.

Pure Life Ministries Podcast Episode #607: What's the First Step to Breaking Free from Sexual Sin? | Ask the Counselor

#607 - What's the First Step to Breaking Free from Sexual Sin? | Ask the Counselor


This episode: We’ll provide a biblical response to the question, “What is the first step to breaking free from sexual sin?”

Sexual Sin
Finding Freedom

Most of the men who come to us for help have already taken a lot of steps to break free from sexual sin, but nothing has changed. This clearly shows it's not enough to take steps to find freedom. You’ve got to take the right steps. In this "Ask the Counselor" episode, we'll provide a biblical response to the question, "What's the first step to breaking free from sexual sin?"

