Foundations is the first two months of your program. During this time, your counselor will help you settle in and adjust to the Residential Program schedule as you begin to lay the groundwork for overcoming a life dominated by sexual sin. Phase One is months 3-6 of your program. Over these four months, your counselor will work with you in identifying underlying root issues while encouraging you to develop a deeper relationship with Jesus. Phase Two is months 7-9 of your program. The final three months provide you with more freedom to practice the principles you have been learning over the previous six months. The structure and accountability of this time focuses on preparing you to sustain a victorious Christian walk after you have completed the program.
We have done our utmost to make our program affordable to anyone in need of help. There is no cost to apply for the Residential Program. No funds are due until after you have completed the application process and an offer of admission into the Program has been extended to you. After your acceptance into the Program has been confirmed, a $1,750 Induction Fee is due. This amount must be received before your scheduled arrival. Payment of this Induction Fee secures your enrollment date in the Program and includes your first two weeks of program fees.
Most of our students hold outside jobs while in the program. Working provides the men with a steady source of income, as well as the daily opportunity to put into practice the spiritual principles they are learning. The employment is typically arranged for them through local temporary agencies. Occasionally exceptions are made in unique situations such as a man on disability or a non-US citizen.
In addition to the Induction Fee, students pay a weekly Program Fee of $250 per week. This covers the full cost of your participation in the Program, including housing and most meals.
(Note: Phase Two students who opt to complete their 3-month transitional phase via phone counseling from home pay a reduced Program Fee of $65 per week.)
While we strongly urge students to remain on campus for the entire program, we recognize that some students have unique situations that require them to complete their final three months at home.
Most of our students are employed in full-time jobs in the local area while in the program. Additionally, highlights of the weekly schedule are as follows:
Sunday morning and Thursday evening Chapel services
One-on-one counseling
Accountability and Bible classes
Small group prayer sessions
A weekly teaching video or Christian movie
The counseling curriculum is a combination of Pure Life Ministries’ specialized materials and biblical homework/study. Through personal discipleship, our counselors focus on the unique needs of each man as they lead him into a consecrated life in God.
We understand that the thought of leaving home, job, family and the security of being in control of your own life can be absolutely overwhelming—perhaps even frightening for many men. After 35 years of dealing with hundreds of families who have had to face this dilemma, there are a few things we can share with you.
First, is simply the promise from Jesus Himself found in Matthew 6: “But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.” This may seem like a trite or simplistic statement to someone who has a family to support, but it truly has been our experience that those who determine within their hearts to get their spiritual lives right, find an awesome God working on their behalf back home.
The other thing we should mention is that there is usually an element of sacrifice involved with getting one’s life back in order. Many want a pain-free solution to lifelong problems but that simply isn’t realistic. One thing we can attest to after dealing with so many families through the years is that the Lord never overlooks any sacrifices that are made, and always makes them worthwhile.
Please read our featured blog post “Why the Residential Program Must Be Nine Months”
Although we do not permit personal electronic devices, including cell phones or laptops, during the duration of Foundations and Phase One of the Residential Program, you will have access to pay phones in your designated dorm area and will be able to make a limited number of calls per week. Mail is distributed Monday-Friday by the counseling staff.
Additionally, after being in the program for 60 days, you may have one weekend visit per month with your counselor’s approval. Weekend visitations may extend up to 4 days (Thursday–Sunday or Friday–Monday).
Absolutely! The wife of a man in the Residential Program can receive counseling through the Wives Program. This is a real blessing for the wife who has lost trust for her husband. She can hear for herself from the staff about how her husband is doing. It is also wonderful for our counseling staff to be able to work with both husband and wife so that some of the inevitable marital difficulties which arise from sexual sin can be resolved. For wives of Residential Program students, our Wives Program is offered at a discounted cost of $760. It can be paid in full up-front, or in weekly installments, as follows: $155 to begin the program and $55 per session for the remaining 11 sessions. If your wife would like to participate in this program, she can enroll by completing the appropriate application in our Application Center, or by calling 888.PURELIFE (888.787.3543).
She may also want to view our video testimonies of wives and marriages that have been restored through our counseling programs.
Our Counseling Department comes under the leadership of Pastor Steve Gallagher who is the Founder of Pure Life Ministries. He holds an Associates of Arts degree from Sacramento City College and a master’s degree in Pastoral Ministry from Master’s International School of Divinity. He is also a certified Biblical Counselor through the International Association of Biblical Counselors (IABC) in Denver, CO.
All of Pure Life Ministries’ counselors have gone through the biblical counseling training and certification program of the Fellowship of Biblical Counselors (FBC). Furthermore, each of the male counselors is a graduate of our Residential Program and knows firsthand what it takes to find victory over sexual addiction. Likewise, our female counselors have dealt with these issues in their own marriages and understand the unique issues women face in the struggle for purity. The combination of personal victory and credible training sets our counseling staff apart.
We encourage husbands to be open and honest about their sin with their wives, but we discourage giving graphic details. Such imagery can negatively impact wives, and in most cases the details are simply unnecessary. Our counselors can guide couples through this disclosure process in a way that promotes healing and restoration.
While it is wise to provide an honest answer to your children, it is also wise not to give too many details about their father’s sin. Simply sharing with them that their daddy is going away to “Bible school” or to learn more about Jesus so he can learn to be a better father will usually suffice, depending on the age of the child, of course.
It is appropriate to simply let them know that you’re going away to a discipleship program to draw closer to the Lord. If your pastor is aware of your situation, he will most likely be able to offer you guidance with how to handle this in your local church.
We accept men into our Residential Program who are currently taking one or more psychotropic medications. If men are on such medications upon arrival, our policy prohibits participants from discontinuing or tapering off their prescribed medications without approval of a physician. If an applicant is incapacitated by his medication or the dosage he’s on, he may not be able to participate in the program until he is stable or is off his medications altogether.
Participants in our program must be at least 18 years of age.
It would be next to impossible to collect trustworthy statistical data pertaining to the success rate of our students. Perhaps a preferable way to think of it is that God will set anyone free who comes sincerely looking for help. In that sense, our “success rate” is 100%. We have never seen anyone go back to their former lifestyle who continued to put into practice the biblical principles they learned while in the program. Those who return to sinful habits only do so because they have chosen to forego God’s plan for their lives.
We cover this topic in more detail in our blog post, "Freedom Can Only be Found at the Cross."
We minister to sex offenders through our Overcomers At-Home Program. Due to community restrictions, we do not accept those who have a sex offense conviction into our residential program.
Our Overcomers At-Home phone counseling program is available for those who do not require the intensive intervention of the Residential Program, or those who are simply unable to come to our campus in Kentucky for nine months. If there is any doubt about which program is best for you, we encourage you to utilize our Counseling Support Call to speak with one of our counselors to determine which program is most appropriate for you (a small fee applies).
We encourage wives to pray for their husbands and believe the Lord to do a deep and lasting work within them. We also strongly encourage wives to go through the Wives Program as their husbands are undergoing counseling. One of the most important elements of a strong marriage is for each spouse to view their marriage biblically—not as individuals seeking their own personal advantage, but as a “one flesh” unit going through this difficult time together. One of the many benefits to the Wives Program is that both spouses are able to participate in a similar curriculum, thus partnering in this new course in life. This is the sort of thing that builds a lasting marriage.
We counsel struggling women through our Overcomers At-Home Program. There is one particular ministry with a residential program that we’ve referred women to in the past called Mercy Multiplied which ministers to young women from 18-28 who struggle with any number of life-dominating issues (
While we do not provide formal marriage counseling, we strongly encourage wives to take advantage of our At-Home Program for Wives. The impact of sexual sin has invariably introduced so much pain and strong emotions that it is best, for a season, to help men and their wives work through their individual issues separately. By helping each of them develop godly attitudes and habits, they will be much better prepared to then address marital issues. When God has been given His rightful place in their hearts, lives and marriage, problems that once seemed insurmountable become much more manageable, perhaps even without the need of formal marriage counseling. Should issues remain, or arise after the husband has returned home, it is our hope that the couple can find additional counseling help through their church or a biblical counselor in their area.
Phase Two of the Residential Program (a participant’s final 3 months), is specifically structured to equip men to successfully implement and sustain their commitment to biblical purity. Upon graduation, we also provide 6 weeks of follow-up phone counseling to ensure a smooth transition back home. Further, we encourage graduates of both the Residential Program and the Overcomers At-Home Program to attend our Annual Conference and to maintain periodic contact with their counselor after completing their program.
In addition, those who fall back into old habits are invited to sign up for our 6-week Supplemental Counseling Program to help them get back on track. Graduates from either the Residential Program or the Overcomers At-Home Program may apply for Supplemental Counseling at any time, even if it has been years since they graduated.
We encourage men who complete our programs to stay accountable with another godly man who’s willing to assist him for a period of time, especially with any struggles with lust and temptation. We also urge husbands to be accountable with their wives, especially in areas such as finances, computer and cell phone usage, and time away from home.
Individuals and couples are encouraged to make sure their home is a sanctuary—a place where Jesus would feel welcome and comfortable. If your home needs a good purging, then don’t let anything stop you! After God has done a deep work in your heart, you and your spouse should cut off every avenue of possible temptation in your home. This may include certain magazines, inappropriate movies or TV shows and even the television set if need-be! You should also make sure every computer, cell phone and any other wi-fi enabled device in your possession is equipped with a reliable internet filter.
Unfortunately we are not able to offer this service. It is possible that some insurance companies may cover our services, but we do not get involved in the reimbursement process. That would be between you and your insurance company.
Once you have been accepted into the program, we will be in contact with you regarding all the necessary details concerning your arrival at our campus, including a full list of items to bring and not to bring.
Our Overcomers At-Home (OCAH) phone counseling program is available for men who do not require the intensive intervention of our Residential Program, or those who are simply unable to come to our facility in Kentucky for nine months. If there is any doubt about which program is best for you, we encourage you to schedule a Counseling Support Call to speak with one of our counselors to determine which program is most appropriate for you (a small fee applies).
We have done our utmost to make our program affordable to anyone in need of help. The cost for our OCAH Program is $1300 per person. The fee includes all costs for homework materials and weekly counseling sessions. You may choose to pay your program fees up front, or in three payments, as follows: $550 at the start and $375 before sessions 7 and 12. Those who prepay the entire amount will receive a $75 discount.
Submit the payment form with your completed application. Applications cannot be processed without payment. Individuals can get started with an initial payment of $550 and remit the remainder in two payments of $375 due before sessions 7 and 12. For those who pay the entire amount in advance, the cost is $1225 (savings of $75).
Couples who submit applications and pay together will receive a $200 discount (covering materials) and can pay in the following ways: 1) they can pay the entire amount of $1950 in advance (added savings of $150, covering both initial sessions), or 2) they can pay $2,100 in three payments. The initial payment of $700 is required with their applications. The remaining two payments of $700 are due before sessions 6 and 11.
Our Counseling Department comes under the leadership of Pastor Ed Buch, who holds a Bachelor’s degree from Millersville University and a Master’s degree in Religion from Evangelical Theological Seminary. Before coming to Pure Life Ministries, he worked as a counselor in a nationally known drug & alcohol addiction ministry for several years.
All of Pure Life Ministries’ counselors have gone through the biblical counseling training and certification program of the International Association of Biblical Counselors. Furthermore, each of the male counselors is a graduate of our Residential Program, and knows firsthand what it takes to find victory over sexual addiction.
The OCAH Program assumes you are willing to address your problem with a serious determination to battle through to victory. In addition to having dedicated times of prayer and personal Bible study each day, you will be expected to complete specialized, biblically-based homework assignments drawn from our ground-breaking book, At the Altar of Sexual Idolatry and the accompanying Workbook, audio messages and other personalized materials. Altogether, you should expect to spend 1-2 hours per day seeking the Lord and completing your assignments so they can be turned in to your counselor (by FAX or email) prior to your weekly phone counseling session. The weekly session with your counselor is meant to be a critical time of personalized discipleship that focuses on your specific needs and circumstances. Our counselors have been in your situation and are equipped through personal testimony and professional training in biblical counseling to lead you into lasting victory over sexual sin.
We encourage husbands to be open and honest about their sin with their wives, but we discourage giving graphic details. Such imagery can negatively impact wives, and in most cases the details are simply unnecessary. Our counselors can guide couples through this disclosure process in a way that promotes healing and restoration.
It is a policy of Pure Life Ministries not to accept students into our programs who plan to be involved in counseling from other sources. There are a number of good reasons for this, but suffice it to say that such an arrangement would cause a great deal of confusion. However, ongoing participation in an accountability group is permissible.
Unfortunately we are not able to offer this service. It is possible that some insurance companies may cover our services, but we do not get involved in the reimbursement process. That would be between you and your insurance company.
When you sign up for our Overcomers At-Home (OCAH) Program, we assign you one of our counselors for 16 weeks. We’re sorry, but our fees for that counselor cannot be refunded nor prorated should you fail to complete the program.
We accept those 18 years of age and older into the OCAH program.
It would be next to impossible to collect trustworthy statistical data pertaining to the success rate of our students. Perhaps a preferable way to think of it is that God will set anyone free who comes sincerely looking for help. In that sense, our “success rate” is 100%. We have never seen anyone go back to their former lifestyle who endeavored to put into practice the biblical principles they learned while in the program. Those who return to sinful habits only do so because they have chosen to forego God’s plan for their lives.
We cover this topic in more detail in our blog post, "Freedom Can Only be Found at the Cross."
Yes, we minister to sex offenders through the Overcomers At-Home (OCAH) Program. Due to community restrictions, we do not accept those who have a sex offense conviction into the Residential Program.
We encourage graduates in both the Residential Program and the Overcomers At-Home (OCAH) Program to attend our Annual Conference and to maintain periodic contact with their counselor after completing their program.
In addition, those who fall back into old habits are invited to sign up for our 6-week Supplemental Counseling Program to help them get back on track. Graduates from either the Residential Program or the OCAH Program may apply for Supplemental Counseling at any time, even if it has been years since they graduated.
We encourage men who complete our programs to stay accountable with another godly man who’s willing to assist him for a period of time, especially with any struggles with lust and temptation. We also urge husbands to be accountable with their wives, especially in areas such as finances, computer and cell phone usage, and time away from home.
Individuals and couples are encouraged to make sure their home is a sanctuary—a place where Jesus would feel welcome and comfortable. If your home needs a good purging, then don’t let anything stop you! After God has done a deep work in your heart, you and your spouse should cut off every avenue of possible temptation in your home. This may include certain magazines, inappropriate movies or TV shows and even the television set if need-be! You should also make sure every computer, cell phone and any other wi-fi enabled device in your possession is equipped with a reliable internet filter.
We encourage wives to pray for their husbands and believe the Lord to do a deep and lasting work within them. We also strongly encourage them to go through the Wives Program as their husbands are undergoing counseling. One of the most important elements of a strong marriage is for each spouse to view their marriage biblically—not as individuals seeking their own personal advantage, but as a “one flesh” unit going through this difficult time together. One of the many benefits to the Wives Program is that both spouses are able to participate in a similar curriculum, thus partnering in this new course in life. This is the sort of thing that builds a lasting marriage.
Our Counseling Department comes under the leadership of Pastor Ed Buch, who holds a Bachelor’s degree from Millersville University and a Master’s degree in Religion from Evangelical Theological Seminary. Before coming to Pure Life Ministries, he worked as a counselor in a nationally known drug & alcohol addiction ministry for several years.
All of Pure Life Ministries’ counselors have gone through the biblical counseling training and certification program of the International Association of Biblical Counselors. Furthermore, each of the wives counselors is a graduate of our Wives Program, and knows firsthand what it is like to have a husband in sexual sin.
We encourage wives to pray for their husbands and believe the Lord to do a deep and lasting work within them. We also strongly encourage wives to go through the Wives Program as their husbands are undergoing counseling. One of the most important elements of a strong marriage is for each spouse to view their marriage biblically—not as individuals seeking their own personal advantage, but as a “one flesh” unit going through this difficult time together. One of the many benefits to the Wives Program is that both spouses are able to participate in a similar curriculum, thus partnering in this new course in life. This is the sort of thing that builds a lasting marriage.
We have done our utmost to make our program affordable to anyone in need of help. The cost for our Wives Program is $1000 per person. The fee includes all costs for homework materials and weekly counseling sessions. You may choose to pay your program fees up front, or in three payments, as follows: $400 at the start and $300 before sessions 5 and 9. Those who prepay the entire amount will receive a $75 discount. Additionally, the program cost for wives of current Residential Program students is $880.
Submit the payment form with your completed application. Applications cannot be processed without payment. Individuals can get started with an initial payment of $400 and remit the remainder in two payments of $300 due before sessions 5 and 9. For individuals who pay the entire amount in advance, the cost is $925 (savings of $75).
Couples who submit applications and pay together will receive a $200 discount (covering materials) and can pay in the following ways: 1) they can pay the entire amount of $1950 in advance (added savings of $150, covering both initial sessions), or 2) they can pay $2,100 in three payments. The initial payment of $700 is required with their applications. The remaining two payments of $700 are due before sessions 6 and 11.
The fee for wives of Residential Program students is $880. It can be paid in full up-front, or in weekly installments, as follows: $165 to begin the program and $55 per session for the remaining 11 sessions.
Our 12-week Wives Program is uniquely tailored to address the often overlooked struggles of a wife whose husband is involved in sexual sin. The core curriculum includes Kathy Gallagher’s insightful book, When His Secret Sin Breaks Your Heart, along with complementary Bible study materials and audio messages. In addition to the daily Bible study and weekly homework materials, you will have a weekly phone call with your counselor. Our wives’ counselors are women who have been in your shoes and come through to a place of victory. We believe they are uniquely equipped to guide you in applying the Word of God to your personal circumstances. The primary goal of the Wives Program is to help you deal with the very real and powerful emotions arising from your husband’s sin in a biblical manner, and to help you see the Lord’s hand in the situation so you can cooperate with His plan for you.
Yes. We are able to counsel girlfriends and fiancées, as well as wives, in our Wives Program. Although there is a core curriculum in place, the materials are always tailored to meet the specific needs and circumstances of the woman enrolled in the program. In fact, that’s the reason we don’t recommend trying to use our materials as a self-help curriculum: Nothing can take the place of receiving personal guidance and biblical counsel from a woman who knows what it’s like to have sexual sin devastate a relationship.
This is one of the common objections that we have encountered over the years. It is true that the husband’s sexual addiction is what has introduced a myriad of problems into the marriage. But that isn’t the whole story.
It is almost always the case that men who come to us to overcome sexual addiction have a much greater issue that needs to be addressed. It is the lifestyle they have been leading that has fostered their indulgence in sexual sin. Most couples who participate in our counseling programs experience spiritual breakthroughs that completely change their values and priorities in life. The new godly lifestyle they enter into not only allows the husband to maintain freedom from sexual sin but also builds love and commitment in the marriage.
In addition, being involved in the counseling process is also a real blessing for the wife who has lost trust for her husband. She can hear for herself from the staff about how her husband is doing. It is also wonderful for our counseling staff to be able to work with both husband and wife so that some of the inevitable marital difficulties which arise from sexual sin can be resolved.
While we do not provide formal marriage counseling, we strongly encourage wives to take advantage of our Wives Program. The impact of sexual sin has invariably introduced so much pain and strong emotions that it is best, for a season, to help men and their wives work through their individual issues separately. By helping each of them develop godly attitudes and habits, they will be much better prepared to then address marital issues. When God has been given His rightful place in their hearts, lives and marriage, problems that once seemed insurmountable become much more manageable, perhaps even without the need of formal marriage counseling. Should issues remain, or arise after the husband has returned home, it is our hope that the couple can find additional counseling help through their church or a biblical counselor in their area.
It should be remembered that, while Jesus made an allowance for divorce in certain situations, the Bible makes it clear that God hates divorce. (Malachi 2:16) It is definitely not His first choice.
Kathy Gallagher also lost her feelings for Steve when he was in his sexual sin. In spite of that, when God put it on her heart to return to him, she obeyed. But it wasn’t easy at first. She has stated that she was so repulsed by him that she would cringe when he touched her. But God was doing a work in her husband and as she saw him respond to the Lord in humility, her admiration for him began to return.
Of course, Hollywood has promoted the idea that romantic feelings are the most important aspect of marriage. In fact, according to them, it is better to carry on an adulterous affair or leave one’s spouse than to remain in a marriage lacking “romance.” How far differently the kingdom of God views love and marriage, where lifelong commitment and the selfless love of God are promoted.
These are the very kinds of real issues our counselors have experienced themselves. Their primary consideration is not to push an agenda but to help the wife find God’s will in such matters. Here's an interview with Kathy Gallagher talking about her own struggles with this.
It is a policy of Pure Life Ministries not to accept individuals into our programs who plan to be involved in counseling from other sources. There are a number of good reasons for this, but suffice it to say that such an arrangement would cause a great deal of confusion. Ongoing participation in a group for wives that offers mutual support is permissible.
All of Pure Life Ministries’ counselors have gone through the biblical counseling training and certification program of the International Association of Biblical Counselors. Furthermore, each of the male counselors is a graduate of our Residential Program, and knows firsthand what it takes to find victory over sexual addiction. Likewise, our female counselors have dealt with these issues in their own marriages and also understand the unique issues women face in the struggle for purity. The combination of personal victory and credible training sets our counseling staff apart.
When you sign up for our Wives Program, we assign you one of our counselors for 12 weeks. We’re sorry but our fees for that counselor cannot be refunded nor prorated should you fail to complete the program.
We encourage graduates of all of our programs to attend our Annual Conference and to maintain periodic contact with their counselor after completing their program.
We encourage men who complete our programs to stay accountable with another godly man who’s willing to assist him for a period of time, especially with any struggles with lust and temptation. We also urge husbands to be accountable with their wives, especially in areas such as finances, computer and cell phone usage, and time away from home.
Individuals and couples are encouraged to make sure their home is a sanctuary—a place where Jesus would feel welcome and comfortable. If your home needs a good purging, then don’t let anything stop you! After God has done a deep work in your heart, you and your spouse should cut off every avenue of possible temptation in your home. This may include certain magazines, inappropriate movies or TV shows and even the television set if need-be! You should also make sure every computer, cell phone and any other wi-fi enabled device in your possession is equipped with a reliable internet filter.
We have done our utmost to make our program affordable to anyone in need of help. The cost for our Pure Heart Program is $1000 per person. The fee includes all costs for homework materials and weekly counseling sessions. You may choose to pay your program fees up front, or in three payments, as follows: $400 at the start and $300 before sessions 5 and 9. Those who prepay the entire amount will receive a $75 discount. If you find yourself in need of additional financial aid, please email
Submit the payment form with your completed application. Applications cannot be processed without payment. Individuals can get started with an initial payment of $400 and remit the remainder in two payments of $300 due before sessions 5 and 9. For those who pay the entire amount in advance, the cost is $925 (savings of $75).
Our Counseling Department comes under the leadership of Pastor Ed Buch, who holds a Bachelor’s degree from Millersville University and a Master’s degree in Religion from Evangelical Theological Seminary. Before coming to Pure Life Ministries, he worked as a counselor in a nationally known drug & alcohol addiction ministry for several years.
All of Pure Life Ministries’ counselors have gone through the biblical counseling training and certification program of the International Association of Biblical Counselors. Furthermore, our women’s counselors have experience helping other women through the impact of sexual sin issues.
The Pure Heart Program assumes you are willing to address your problem with a serious determination to battle through to victory. In addition to having dedicated times of prayer and personal Bible study each day, you will be expected to complete specialized, biblically-based homework assignments drawn from our ground-breaking book, Create in Me a Pure Heart and the accompanying Workbook, audio messages and other personalized materials. Altogether, you should expect to spend 1-2hours per day seeking the Lord and completing your assignments so they can be turned in to your counselor (by FAX or email) prior to your weekly phone counseling session. The weekly session with your counselor is meant to be acritical time of personalized discipleship that focuses on your specific needs and circumstances. Our counselors have experience in counseling these issues and are equipped through personal testimony and professional training in biblical counseling to lead you into lasting victory over sexual sin.
We encourage spouses to be open and honest about their sin with their husband, but we discourage giving graphic details. Such imagery can negatively impact a spouse, and in most cases the details are simply unnecessary. Our counselors can guide couples through this disclosure process in a way that promotes healing and restoration.
It is a policy of Pure Life Ministries not to accept students into our programs who plan to be involved in counseling from other sources. There are a number of good reasons for this, but suffice it to say that such an arrangement would cause a great deal of confusion. However, ongoing participation in an accountability group is permissible.
Unfortunately we are not able to offer this service. It is possible that some insurance companies may cover our services, but we do not get involved in the reimbursement process. That would be between you and your insurance company.
When you sign up for our Pure Heart Program, we assign you one of our counselors for 12 weeks. We’re sorry, but our fees for that counselor cannot be refunded nor prorated should you fail to complete the program.
We accept those 18 years of age and older into the Pure Heart program.
It would be next to impossible to collect trustworthy statistical data pertaining to the success rate of our students. Perhaps a preferable way to think of it is that God will set anyone free who comes sincerely looking for help. In that sense, our “success rate” is 100%. We have never seen anyone go back to their former lifestyle who endeavored to put into practice the biblical principles they learned while in the program. Those who return to sinful habits only do so because they have chosen to forego God’s plan for their lives.
We cover this topic in more detail in our blog post, "Freedom Can Only be Found at the Cross."
We encourage graduates to attend our Annual Conference (which is intended for men, women, and families and focuses on a deeper spiritual life), and to maintain periodic contact with their counselor after completing their program.
In addition, those who fall back into old habits are invited to sign up for our 4-week Supplemental Counseling Program to help them get back on track. Graduates may apply for Supplemental Counseling at any time, even if it has been years since they graduated.
We encourage women who complete our programs to stay accountable with another godly woman who’s willing to assist her for a period of time, especially with any struggles with lust and temptation. We also urge a married couple to maintain a relationship of accountability together, especially in areas such as finances, computer and cell phone usage, and time away from home.
Individuals and couples are encouraged to make sure their home is a sanctuary—a place where Jesus would feel welcome and comfortable. If your home needs a good purging, then don’t let anything stop you! After God has done a deep work in your heart, you and your spouse should cut off every avenue of possible temptation in your home. This may include certain magazines, inappropriate movies or TV shows and even the television set if need-be! You should also make sure every computer, cell phone and any other wi-fi enabled device in your possession is equipped with a reliable internet filter.
Yes, we minister to sex offenders through the Pure Heart Program.