Pure Life Ministries

Finding Freedom
Sexual Sin

We’re taking a break this week from our current series. We know that the Lord is actively sanctifying and preparing His church to spend eternity with Him as His bride. But there is also a frightening reality that many people who claim to be Christians are false professors. Satan uses the currents of our culture to entice Christians to live for themselves rather than God, to pursue pleasure rather than Jesus in self-denial, and to pursue worldly philosophies rather than the pure Word of God. These truly are perilous time, and we all need to know how to go through in the power of Jesus Christ.

Purity for Life Episode #427: Returning to your First Love in Perilous Times

The Lord is preparing His church to spend eternity with Him, so it is vital we know how to endure perilous times in the power of Jesus.

Root Issues
Sexual Sin

Do you ever find yourself bragging to others about your spiritual life or telling others about how you gave financially, or how you spent extra time in your devotions?  These can often point to a dangerous sickness called spiritual pride. Pastor Steve Gallagher joins us this week to help us understand this deceptive piety. We also talk about how easy it is for other sins to creep in with spiritual pride.

Exposing the Root of All Sin
Purity for Life Episode #426: Exposing the Pride that Projects a Spiritual Image

Spiritual pride is a very dangerous, yet easily overlooked, form of pride which often allows other sins to creep in along with it.

Root Issues
Sexual Sin

“Work hard.” “Do your best.” What do you think of when you hear things like that? Now, there is obviously nothing wrong with putting your heart into something and seeking to do your best. But as with any good thing, our human nature has a knack for corrupting it into something wicked. Enter perfectionism. The perfectionist takes these things to an unhealthy, and prideful level. They hear words like “do your best” as “you must be perfect.” But what is so sinful about perfectionism and why is it prideful?

Exposing the Root of All Sin
Purity for Life Episode #425: Exposing the Pride that Needs to be Perfect

Perfectionism is a form of pride that will take a desire to work hard or to do well to an unhealthy and even sinful extreme.

Root Issues
Sexual Sin

Pride can spring up in many ways depending on our temperament. Last week, we talked about pride that loves the spotlight. But maybe you’re not like that; maybe you want to be in the background. Maybe you’re sensitive, quiet, or even shy. In this episode, we’ll look at the expressions of the self-life and pride that are revealed in those who want to keep themselves safe – safe from embarrassment, safe from being exposed, safe from being hurt.

Exposing the Root of All Sin
Purity for Life Episode #424: Exposing Pride that Tries to Protect our Inside World

Pride is very subtle. We may only appear to be keeping ourselves safe. Safe from embarrassment, from being exposed, from being hurt.

Root Issues
Sexual Sin

Every single person is vulnerable to the sin of pride. You might be the kind of person who loves being in the background or maybe you’re a people person. It makes no difference; our self-lives will find a way to express themselves. And It will do that in many ways, leaving us blind to the way pride takes root in our hearts. This week we’ll start with the type of pride found in those who want to be at the ‘top and in the center.’

Exposing the Root of All Sin
Purity for Life Episode #423: Exposing the Pride that Seeks to be Top and Center

The self-life loves to express itself. It has many faces, but leaves us blind to the way pride takes root in our hearts.

Root Issues
Sexual Sin

Last week we began to explore how our prideful self-life is the root of all sin. Today we dig a little deeper, looking at what allows pride to flourish and grow. We’ll look at life in America and examine the ways it encourages us to be proud. We’ll also be talking about trials in marriage, and how they can nurture the growth of pride in unexpected ways. Both topics will help us see more clearly the way God deals with pride, and the consequences of its unchecked influence.

Exposing the Root of All Sin
Purity for Life Episode #422: Exposing How Pride Takes Root in Our Hearts

Once we see that our self-life is the root of all sin, it's time to dig a little deeper, looking at what allows pride to flourish and grow.

Root Issues
Sexual Sin

One truth has forever shaped our work at Pure Life Ministries. And that is, that a man’s sexual addiction is merely the symptom of a much deeper problem; pride and self-centeredness are the ruling force in his life. If transformation is ever to occur, then these must be dealt a death-blow. Over the next nine weeks, we will be exposing the root of all sin: the self-life, and its many insidious fruits.

Exposing the Root of All Sin
Purity for Life Episode #421: Exposing the Root of all Sin

A man’s sexual addiction is merely the symptom of a much deeper problem. This truth has forever shaped our work at Pure Life Ministries.

Sexual Sin
Finding Freedom

The apostle Paul said, “I have been crucified with Christ, and it is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me.” The path into a life filled with Christ is the crucified life, a life marked by profound brokenness and dependency. But those in sexual sin cannot live the crucified life, because their lives are marked by self-will and hardness of heart. But it is our testimony, again and again, here at Pure Life that God is able to transform anyone’s life that will earnestly seek Him and surrender to the truth that true life is when Christ lives in us.

Purity for Life Episode #420: Not I, but Christ in Me

It is our continual testimony that God will transform anyone who will genuinely surrender to Christ and allow Him to live through them.

Finding Freedom
Sexual Sin

New Year's resolutions usually don't have real power to change people—the kind of power people in sexual sin desperately need to experience. But this episode presents essential truths that can produce lasting change. Counselor Jim Lewis explains why it's crucial to take responsibility for sexual sin, Dr. Daniel Berger clarifies the term “addiction” from a biblical perspective, and Pastor Ed Buch defines biblical repentance as the ultimate pathway to victory.

Purity for Life Episode #329: Vital Steps for Seeking Victory This Year (REPLAY)

Instead of making resolutions year after year that never produce any fruit, let's find out what God says will produce lasting change.

For Wives
Finding Freedom

The world tells us that hope comes from an expectation that something good is going to happen. But if that’s true, how can a wife have hope when her marriage is failing? You see, we need a hope that anchors itself in something beyond this world of suffering. We need a living hope flowing to us despite the difficult circumstances of this life. Kathy Gallagher joins us again to talk about the true hope of all believers, and she helps us see how to anchor ourselves in it.

For Wives
Purity for Life Episode #419: Wives: Hold Fast to a Living Hope

A broken marriage is a serious storm for any woman. Faith, hope, and love anchor our souls to the Lord while the tempest rages around us.

For Wives
Finding Freedom

We were made for love. To give it. To receive it. And no wonder, because the God who made us in his image—is love. Maybe this is why a husband’s betrayal is so painful; because first and foremost, it is a sin and an offense against love. Kathy Gallagher joins us to talk about the love of God, and why the knowledge of His love is crucial if a wife is going to find her way through the devastation of a husband’s sin. Plus, Stephanie Ehrenberg testifies to the grace of the Lord even in the midst of difficult trials.

For Wives
Purity for Life Episode #418: Wives: Seek First a Better Love

For a wife to find her way through the devastation of a husband’s sin, she needs a deep understanding of the knowledge of God's love.

Finding Freedom
Sexual Sin

Hey everyone, welcome to ANOTHER Christmas episode of Purity for Life! In our last episode, we took time to reflect on the wonder of Jesus—his lowliness, his love and his sacrifice. This week, we'll do it all over again!

Purity for Life Episode #417: Reflections on the Lowly Jesus (Part 2)

Welcome to ANOTHER Christmas episode of Purity for Life! We'll reflect again on the wonder of Jesus.

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