If you want to live in victory over sin, you must see that you are helpless to save yourself. However, the culture and prosperity of our day has made it possible to ignore our helplessness and allow us to live life without acknowledging God. But this self-dependence leaves us blind to our true spiritual condition, and separated from the God who yearns to meet our every need. In this week’s show, we discuss this relationship between seeing our need and gaining victory over sexual sin with three counselors from the Pure Life Ministries Residential Program.
America's prosperity makes it easy to ignore our need for God. But this independence separates us from the God who longs to meet our needs.
Understanding the heart of God is critical for a life of victory. And the revelation of His will for us in Scripture is a love that calls us out of the world and out of sin and bondage to live in fellowship with Him. When we see this desire, this jealous love for us, it should compel us to reach out for a deeper, more intimate relationship with Him. And that, is the beginning of really living in victory.
When we get a glimpse of the loving heart of God, we'll reach out for a deeper knowledge of Him. This is the beginning of living in victory.
If sexual sin has ruined your life, then “living in victory” might sound like a fairy tale, or even a cruel joke. But living in victory is not only possible, it's God’s will for you. He has made a way for you to lay hold of it. In our new series, we want to help you understand how you truly can live that victorious life, but the first thing we need to do is to make sure we’re all on the same page. So this week, we're going to make sure that we have a right understanding of true Christian victory.
If sexual sin has ruined your life, “living in victory” might sound like a fairy tale. But it is not only possible, it's God’s will for you.
Nearly every Christian can name half a dozen ministry leaders of evangelical churches who have fallen due to sexual sin. How does this happen to men of God who are leaders in the church? In this final installment in our series The Church Addicted, we'll look at the role of the leader, and ask what happens when a leader is compromised by sexual sin.
We can easily identify numbers of Christian leaders who have fallen due to sexual sin. How does this happen to leaders in the church?
This week we examine why so many in the church are plagued by addiction by looking at Scripture's command for the believer in Jesus to forsake the world. The Apostle John wrote that “If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him." Yet this truth is often ignored, disobeyed and even sometimes renounced by the Evangelical Church as out of step with reality. So in this replay from our series, The Church Addicted, we look at how to obey Scripture's command to be "in the world, but not of it."
If anyone loves the world, the Father’s love isn’t in him. This truth is often ignored, disobeyed and even renounced in the Church Addicted.
Do not be afraid. We find this command over one hundred times in God’s word to us for a reason. Life can easily become full of fear. For wives, there can be the overwhelming opportunity to live in fear when a husband has been in sexual sin. She fears that he’ll betray her again, re-opening the wound and bringing deeper pain to her and her family. In this episode, both Kathy Gallagher and Pastor Ed Buch will share about the topic of fear, so that we understand how to face it head on, as well as come out of life’s trials with a deeper faith and a greater love for Jesus.
Fear can easily overwhelm a betrayed wife. But learning to face fear head on will create a deeper faith and love for Jesus out of any trial.
Many wives of men in sexual sin have said to us, “He told me he would stop, why won’t he just stop?” These women are exasperated and confused as to how their husbands could commit sexual sin, knowing that his actions would hurt them. Pure Life co-founder, Kathy Gallagher, joins us in this episode to offer her insight into this subject. And for couples beginning the process of reconciliation, we’ll also take time to offer some thoughts as to how a husband can begin to take his rightful place as a spiritual leader in the home once he has truly repented.
Kathy Gallagher offers insight for exasperated wives, confused by their husband's willingness to commit acts that hurt her.
Jesus Christ is coming soon. For those of us who profess to follow Him, the question remains: are we ready for Him to return? Many of us are caught up in the distractions of living in a prosperous nation. Whether it’s our family, career, entertainment or possessions, we tend to give our affections to these and they can become dangerous idols. But if we abide in Jesus, seeking Him passionately through His word and in prayer, He can change our hearts. Just as a bride is excited for her husband to return to her, so we can learn to not be in dread of, but to love and even to hunger for His appearing.
Jesus Christ is coming soon. For those of us who profess to follow Him, the question remains: are we eager and ready for Him to return?
Since the year 2000, Pure Life Ministries has been holding an annual conference in northern Kentucky. Hundreds of people join us every year to hear powerful messages, to share in wonderful times of corporate worship and fellowship, and to seek hard after God. In this episode, we’ll talk about the origins of the conference, we’ll give a little background about our conference theme this year and let you know what you can expect if you join us on April 23rd and 24th in northern Kentucky.
Hundreds of people join us every year for our Annual Conference. We'll let you know what to expect if you join us this year.
An essential component of overthrowing the reign of self is living in the flow of God’s love. Jesus said that if we loved God with all our hearts and our neighbors as ourselves, we would actually be fulfilling all of His commandments. Pride and selfishness cannot flourish, when a person is defined by a desire to meet the needs of others. A life lived in the service of others brings about the death of the self-life.
A life overflowing with the love of God will thoroughly uproot the self-life and all of the sins that so easily flow out of it.
Another vital heart attitude that enables us to overthrow sin’s rule in our lives is humility. Pride brought about the fall of Satan and pride put man at odds with God, resulting in the destruction of man. But humility undoes the damage of the fall, because when a man becomes humble, God becomes his protector and his friend. The role of humility in a Christian’s life can hardly be overestimated.
When a man embraces humility, God becomes his protector and friend. The role of humility in a Christian’s life can hardly be overestimated.
Jesus alone knows how to save the human soul, and to bring it out of bondage and into freedom. For the last six weeks we’ve explored how all our struggles with sin can be traced back to the “self-life,” and the pride that comes out of it. Now it’s time to look to the great Savior and Physician of our souls to see what His remedy is. In this show we look at the important roles poverty of spirit, brokenness, and surrender have in the process of being saved by Jesus Christ.
When we look to the great Physician for help and salvation, He points to a startling pathway: poverty of spirit, brokenness, and surrender.