The House of
the Lord

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Something wonderful is unfolding here at Pure Life Ministries. The Lord has been leading us to build a new chapel — “the House of the Lord.”

For nearly 40 years, our ministry has been a prophetic voice to the American Church and a shelter from the toxic environment of sin and sensuality all around us. The need for a consecrated place to meet with God has never been greater.

Our Progress

Funds Raised
Phase One
Phase Two
Phase Three

The Need for a Holy Atmosphere

Today millions feast greedily on illicit imagery, immoral lifestyles are flaunted as normal, and children are inundated with destructive ideologies. Sadly, many churches have begun to reflect this worldly mindset, compromising what is truly important for cultural relevance, to gain attention and grow their numbers.

The average service often begins with glitzy worship performances and quickly moves into 30-minute sermonettes with no life and no fire. Members leave with their flesh stimulated, but without having had an encounter with the living God. As a result, many professing Christians are spiritually starving without the Truth they need to nourish their souls.

This is completely different from the spiritual atmosphere of the Pure Life Ministries Chapel. Since it was built in 2000, our little chapel has held over 5000 meetings where those in desperate need can sit in the presence of God and experience the kind of radical encounter with Him that can alter their eternity. Thousands of Christians can point to the exact spot in that building where they met with God.

The Need for a New Chapel

But the space in our current chapel is no longer big enough to meet our expanding needs. We are bursting at the seams. When our chapel was built, we had 35 students and 15 staff. Today, our student population reaches 75 and our staff size has tripled to 45. As our staff marry and have children, and our students regularly have their own visitors, we are regularly maxing out our 135 seating capacity.

Additionally, the Lord has also been burdening us to host special meetings with different speakers throughout the year. So it’s our desire to welcome graduates and guests to join us for these meetings, providing a place for all to be refreshed in God’s presence.

We anticipate construction being completed sometime in 2025. We hope you will consider partnering with us as we begin this new endeavor.

The Need for a New Chapel

Something wonderful is unfolding here at Pure Life Ministries. The Lord has been leading us to build a new chapel — “the House of the Lord.”

For nearly 40 years, our ministry has been a prophetic voice to the American Church and a shelter from the toxic environment of sin and sensuality all around us.

Today millions feast greedily on illicit imagery, immoral lifestyles are flaunted as normal, and children are inundated with destructive ideologies. Sadly, many churches have begun to reflect this worldly mindset, compromising what is truly important for cultural relevance, to gain attention and grow their numbers.

The average service often begins with glitzy worship performances and quickly moves into 30-minute sermonettes with no life and no fire. Members leave with their flesh stimulated, but without having had an encounter with the living God. As a result, many professing Christians are spiritually starving without the Truth they need to nourish their souls.

This is completely different from the spiritual atmosphere of the Pure Life Ministries Chapel. Since it was built in 2000, our little chapel has held over 5000 meetings where those in desperate need can sit in the presence of God and experience the kind of radical encounter with Him that can alter their eternity. Thousands of Christians can point to the exact spot in that building where they met with God.

But the space in our current chapel is no longer big enough to meet our expanding needs. We are bursting at the seams. When our chapel was built, we had 35 students and 15 staff. Today, our student population reaches 75 and our staff size has tripped to 45. As our staff marry and have children, and our students regularly have their own visitors, we are regularly maxing out our 135 seating capacity.

Additionally, the Lord has also been burdening us to host special meetings with different speakers throughout the year. The need for a consecrated place to meet with God has never been greater. So it’s our desire to welcome graduates and guests to join us for these meetings, providing a place for all to be refreshed in God’s presence.

We anticipate construction being completed sometime in 2025. We hope you will consider partnering with us as we begin this new endeavor.

But the space in our current chapel is no longer big enough to meet our expanding needs. We are bursting at the seams. When our chapel was built, we had 35 students and 15 staff. Today, our student population reaches 75 and our staff size has tripped to 45. As our staff marry and have children, and our students regularly have their own visitors, we are regularly maxing out our 135 seating capacity.

Additionally, the Lord has also been burdening us to host special meetings with different speakers throughout the year. The need for a consecrated place to meet with God has never been greater. So it’s our desire to welcome graduates and guests to join us for these meetings, providing a place for all to be refreshed in God’s presence.

We anticipate construction being completed sometime in 2025. We hope you will consider partnering with us as we begin this new endeavor.



Right away in my program, I was confronted with the reality of where my allegiance lay: even though I professed to be a Christian my whole life, I was truly allegiant to the devil and his way of destruction. The Lord brought a sledgehammer to my own kingdom in that chapel service. And in that very same place, He also met me with amazing grace only a few days later as we were singing about the powerful blood of Jesus. I can’t put words to what happened, but it was like a flood of tears burst forth from my heart as I processed the reality of how able God is to cleanse me and make me a new creation by the blood of His precious Son. I will never forget how the Lord found me in such powerful ways in the chapel.

-Joshua A.

I have so many precious memories of coming to visit my husband and being touched by the Lord in the chapel service! The presence of the Lord was real and revered, the worship drew my heart to Him and I was often encouraged and challenged by the message that was preached. The PLM chapel holds a special place in my heart!

-Miriam H.

Before coming to PLM, I had been a worship leader, but I had never worshipped the Lord from the heart. The first service in the chapel, I wept as I heard 100 men singing praises to Jesus at the top of their lungs. As the months passed, I slowly began to open my heart to Jesus in the chapel services and began to connect with Him at a heart level. I am now able to sing to Jesus with all that is in me because of the transformation that He did in me in that chapel during those times of worship.

-Bernardo A.

One night, in this little chapel, the Lord showed me that I was the prodigal son who had left his Father's house. He showed me that the real horror of my sin was that I exchanged Him for worthless things, but then He met me there with a welcoming, receiving smile and gave me repentance, which resulted in forgiveness. I walked out of that chapel by his mercy as LOST NO MORE.

-Peter I.

If I could use one word to describe the atmosphere of the chapel, it would be "life-ing." There were so many times I entered the chapel tired, not wanting to even be there, but left energized and joyful, being blessed by the worship and testimonies. It was also the place where, after being brought to a crossroads in my program, I surrendered to the Lord and made the personal commitment to go “all in” with Him. The chapel on the Pure Life campus holds a very special place in my walk with the Lord.

-Joshua B.

My first chapel experience was very overwhelming. When I heard 70 men worshiping God in a small chapel, I was surrounded by the presence of the Lord and it brought me to tears. I started to long for every worship service. Hearing these men cry out still brings me to tears 2 1/2 years later.

-James Q.

Have a testimony of God meeting you in our chapel? Send it to us to be added above!

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Progress Gallery

photos coming soon!

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