Many Christians don't realize that God never intended for repentance to be a one-time event, because sin isn't overcome all at once! It's overcome little by little, and every time we truly repent, we're given new power to overcome sin, and new power for holy living.
This episode: Sin is never overcome all at once, and so true repentance is not something we do one time. It's a lifestyle that we live.
Repentance and brokenness might seem negative...until you experience the spiritual benefits that flow from them. For example: a true fear of God that destroys the love of sin. A deep resolve to pursue restoration in our relationships. A zeal to be right with God, no matter the cost. In this show, we'll look at some of the beautiful fruits that come from repentance.
This episode: Repentance and brokenness might seem negative, but not once you've experienced the spiritual benefits that come from them.
According to Jesus, the pathway into the Kingdom of God is marked out by two inseparable things—genuine repentance from our sins and a real choice to put our faith and trust in Him. But, in our church culture, many seem to think that repentance is unnecessary as long as you "believe." In this episode, Steve Gallagher will address this fatal error by showing that there is no such thing as saving faith apart from repentance.
This episode: It's a fatal mistake to think repentance is unnecessary as long as you believe. There is no real faith apart from repentance.
According to Jesus, everything that comes with eternal life—power over sin, a renewed heart, a changed life—comes through repentance. So what is going on with professing Christians who do not seem to have that kind of spiritual life? Is it possible that they have nothing more than a superficial repentance that leaves them unchanged and still dead in their sins?
This episode: Genuine repentance gives power over sin and transforms lives. Superficial repentance leaves people unchanged and in bondage.
No one will repent without being broken by the Holy Spirit's conviction over their sin. This requires courage, sincerity and a desperation to know the truth—even when the truth exposes the worst things about us. But, this is the only way to life. Every other path leads to death. In today’s show: The Valley of Decision.
This episode: God desires all to reach repentance, but here's the critical issue: Will we allow the Spirit's conviction to lead us there?
"You’re a good person." This is one of Satan's deadliest lies, because if we believe that we're good, we will never see our need for repentance. In the 2nd episode of our series, "Rediscovering the Gift of Repentance," we'll talk about why there is no such thing as a good person, and why everyone needs to repent.
This episode: People who think they're good never see a need to repent. This makes "you're a good person" one of Satan's deadliest lies.
In light of God’s unlimited power and glorious redemption, why are our churches filled with men trapped in pornography? Why are marriages breaking apart at record rates? It’s because something crucial has been lost—something so vital that, without it, the power of God is rendered useless in our lives. In our latest series, "Rediscovering the Gift of Repentance," we’ll focus on the invaluable gift of repentance, the only vehicle we’ve been given to be saved from the power of sin and come back into God’s life-giving, life-changing presence.
In our new series, we focus on the precious gift of repentance, the only vehicle that will bring us back into God’s life-changing presence.
Darlene Deibler went to Indonesia to preach the gospel to cannibalistic tribes. But when war broke out, she found herself plunged into the horrors of a WWII prisoner-of-war camp. And yet, Darlene would spend the rest of her life telling about a God whose comfort outshined her sufferings, whose presence was more precious than her losses, and whose loving provision was as faithful as the morning sun.
Darlene Deibler Rose was a simple woman who found that God's comfort outshines suffering and His Presence is more powerful than loss.
Many people struggle to believe they can be free from sexual sin because even if they manage to avoid pornography, they’re still constantly being bombarded with sexual thoughts. In this episode, we’ll discuss why we should never use temptation as an excuse to stay in defeat, why the battle against lust is actually a positive thing, and the key to growing strong enough to stand firm when temptation arises.
This episode: Bombarded with unrelenting sexual thoughts? Find out why you should never believe that real freedom is out of reach.
What struggling men and women truly need is an intimate love relationship with God, because a deep, personal experience of God's love will break the hold of sin. Unfortunately, many people caught in sexual sin are uncertain whether God loves them. In this show, we’ll discuss what might block someone from experiencing a sense of God’s love and, more importantly, what can be done about it.
This episode: A true love relationship with God breaks the power of sin. What should a person do if they don't sense God's love for them?
When Jesus Christ came to earth, He brought deliverance for His people, though not immediately—it required waiting. This same spirit of waiting is required for those who are longing for freedom from sexual sin. In this non-traditional Christmas episode, we explore why waiting on God is essential for victory, common misconceptions about waiting, and why we can confidently trust that God will come and deliver if we truly wait on Him.
This episode: Deliverance from sexual sin often comes only after truly waiting on God. Learn some of these principles in today's episode!
Most of the men who come to us for help have already taken a lot of steps to break free from sexual sin, but nothing has changed. This clearly shows it's not enough to take steps to find freedom. You’ve got to take the right steps. In this "Ask the Counselor" episode, we'll provide a biblical response to the question, "What's the first step to breaking free from sexual sin?"
This episode: We’ll provide a biblical response to the question, “What is the first step to breaking free from sexual sin?”