Pure Life Ministries

Spiritual Growth
Finding Freedom

The Word of God has been under attack for millennia. Many godly men went so far as to spill their own blood so that we could hear God’s Word for ourselves. But in modern times the attack against the Word of God is far more subtle and insidious.

The opponents of God’s Word aren’t burning Bibles here in America, but they are discrediting it, obstructing it, minimizing it and perverting it. This is leaving millions of people wide open to every kind of deception.

In this episode, pastor David Ravenhill exhorts us to develop a deeper relationship with the Word of God so that we will be able to discern what is true and what is dangerous to our souls.

Hold Fast to the Word of God

In America, the Bible isn't outlawed, but its teaching is often discredited and perverted. This is leaving millions wide open to deception.

Spiritual Growth
Finding Freedom

We all know the physical principle of cause and effect. Our natural actions on earth always have a natural result.

But we often forget that this applies to spiritual things as well. We think of obedience to God in terms of a list of rules…do’s and don’t’s, failing to remember that when God tells us to obey Him, He’s inviting us into a life where we reap a wonderful spiritual harvest.

In this episode we are going to talk about "A Lifestyle of Obedience is a Lifestyle of Blessing."

20 Truths
A Lifestyle of Obedience is a Lifestyle of Blessing

Obedience may seem like a list of rules, but when God tells us to obey Him, He’s inviting us to a life where we reap a wonderful harvest.

Finding Freedom
Sexual Sin

Faith is such an integral part of Christianity that it is often referred to as "the Christian faith."

Faith is the subject of sermons, songs and movies and is featured on artwork, decorations and even clothing. But for the Christian who has been bound by sexual sin for years, it can be difficult to really have faith in what the Bible says about freedom. Why? Because their experience seems to contrary to faith. Today, we are going to look at why faith is the victory over sexual addiction.

20 Truths
Faith is the Victory Over Sexual Addiction

Even though faith is integral to Christianity, a man who only sees his past failure and sin may doubt what the Bible says about freedom.

Finding Freedom
Sexual Sin

The fight for freedom from sexual sin is often a long, drawn out battle.

Failures along the way are so common that nearly every one has asked themselves, "Why does it have to be this way? Why doesn’t God snap his fingers and make me holy? Why do I have to go through the pain of trying and failing numerous times before I finally start to achieve victory? How do I respond if I fall back into sin?"

These are all common questions, and ones we will address on this episode of Purity for Life!

20 Truths
Failure is Not Defeat in Your Battle With Sexual Sin

The fight for freedom from sexual sin is often a long, drawn out battle. But it is worth it, and we must not grow discouraged along the way

Spiritual Growth
Finding Freedom

One of the greatest dangers to Christians in modern America is worldliness. And yet, in this day and age, if a sincere pastor declares that God requires His people to live holy and separated lives, his words are often dismissed as legalistic, or worse, as an attack on the grace of God.

But the Word of God tells us that if we are a friend of the world, we make ourselves enemies of God. The biblical call to holiness must not be dismissed, but properly understood and then lived out.

20 Truths
The Spirit of the World Wants to Seduce You

Holiness is often dismissed by Christians as legalistic. Yet compromising with the world is a sure way to fall in to sexual temptation.

Finding Freedom
Sexual Sin

How many times have you promised yourself, “I will never do that again!” but soon found that you were doing it all over again? If that cycle continues long enough, you may start believing that you cannot possibly stand against these powerful temptations.

That’s what Steve Gallagher used to think, until he learned how to win the battle against temptation.

In this episode we continue to share with you the truths found in our YouTube Series, “20 Truths that Helped Me in My Battle with Porn Addiction.” Today’s topic? “Temptation is a Winnable Battle.”

20 Truths
Temptation is a Winnable Battle

Temptation will come for a man seeking freedom from porn. But learning how to fight will defeat it and bring greater measures of freedom.

Finding Freedom
Sexual Sin

For the man struggling to be free from sexual sin, the world around us is a difficult place to be. Billboards, television, magazines and the internet barrage us with images that draw the eye and entice the heart. If a man is used to caving into these temptations, how can he find the strength to resist the allure and keep a pure heart and mind?

As we talked about in our last episode, Scripture plays a huge part in this, but there is another vital part to living in freedom. This week, we will look at how time spent in prayer transforms us into the image of Christ and gives us the strength we need—his strength—to resist temptation. To win the Battle of Temptation, You Must Have a Prayer Life.

20 Truths
To Win the Battle of Temptation You Must Have a Prayer Life

Prayer is a vital aspect in overcoming porn addiction as it draws us deeper into relationship with God and aligns our hearts with His heart.

Finding Freedom
Sexual Sin

When a man determines to be free from pornography, one of the things he is immediately confronted with is how much his mind has been polluted by porn’s filthiness.

Hebrews 4:12 says “For the word of God is living and active and full of power...” We here at Pure Life Ministries place a huge emphasis on having a daily, vibrant relationship with the Bible because we have experienced its effect in our own lives and have watched it work wonders in the lives of the men we counsel.

Today we are looking at how Scripture will restructure a pornographic mindset.

20 Truths
Scripture Will Restructure a Pornographic Mindset

Even though pornography pollutes the thoughts of a sex addict, God promises that His Word has the power to purify our hearts and our minds.

Sexual Sin
Finding Freedom

Hedonism is the mindset of one who only wants to pursue pleasure and avoid discipline, hard work and pain.

We see this in the American culture that wants to escape into drugs, alcohol, porn, entertainment, and sports.

Much of today's church is more about entertainment than enlightenment, more about pleasing me than honoring Jesus.

20 Truths
A Hedonistic Lifestyle Opens the Door for an Addiction to Pornography

A Christian who lives his life in pursuit of worldly pleasure is setting himself up for compromise, temptation, and failure.

Spiritual Growth
Finding Freedom

For all that the Bible has to say about repentance, you would think that most Christians would understand it, that preachers would preach about it, and that we would all practice it. Yet repentance remains a forgotten theme in much of the church.

Yet the Bible remains clear that repentance must continually be a part of every Christian's walk with God.

20 Truths
Repentance Must Become an Integral Part of a New Lifestyle

Repentance is vital to overcoming sexual sin, and the Bible has clearly shown us the right way to repent so that we can gain true freedom.

Finding Freedom
Sexual Sin

There are many so-called Christians who have an outward display of piety but no real inward relationship with God. Like the Pharisees of Jesus' day, they were keepers of the religious rules, but had no power to overcome inward sin.

As we continue through "The 20 Truths Series," Steve Gallagher shows us that a form of godliness does not have the power to deliver from sin.

20 Truths
A Form of Godliness Does Not Have the Power to Deliver from Sin

Participating in Christian activities doesn't mean we are right with God. It takes more than outward activity to deliver us from sin.

Sexual Sin
Finding Freedom

Many people are surprised to learn that there is an issue behind the behavior of sexual sin that is far more serious than the sin itself. It is a huge problem.

We examine the issue of the self-life, because the root of sexual addiction probably isn't what you think it is.

20 Truths
The Root of Sexual Addiction Probably Isn't What You Think it is

Sexual sin is just the symptom of a much deeper issue and the only way an addict can hope to gain freedom is by dealing with the real issue.

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