Dear sisters in Christ, please be aware. If you're not careful, you may unwittingly contribute to the sexual sin issue in the Church.
This episode: In our special Thanksgiving edition, we'll talk with three staff members who fought for gratitude in the midst of trials.
In the 5th message of our Unveiling Yahweh series, we examine the Faithfulness of God and the response it should evoke in us.
This episode: After Stephen and Jubilee ruined their lives in the pursuit of wealth, God gave them a new vision centered on His Kingdom.
Timeless Truths: Genuine repentance and intimacy with Christ will prepare us for the searching light of Judgment Day.
Dear sisters in Christ, please be aware. If you're not careful, you may unwittingly contribute to the sexual sin issue in the Church.
God has been deeply involved with your life since your birth. You have been the focus of an immense heavenly operation for many years.
Because we all know situations where the consequences of sexual sin is wreaking havoc on people's lives, we need to be equipped to minister.
What about the believer who cannot seem to stop his sinful behavior? If he is truly a child of God, why is real victory so elusive?
Suddenly I started crying my eyes out, confessing things about myself I wasn't even aware of. To this day I don't remember how it started.
Addiction is voluntary slavery—against God. In other words, it is not just between us and what we desire, but between us and God.
Scripturally, is there a greater significance or consequence to sexual sin than there is to other sinful activities?
Hypothetically, if someone were to ask advice on how to stay in sin and still be considered a Christian, this is what I would tell them.
Victory over sin comes through the joint effort of God and the believer. The power of grace is available to all who appropriate it.
My heart can be heavy after speaking with hurting wives. “What do I tell her, Lord?” I pray. “What can I say that will really help?”
The idea of homosexual Christianity has gained credibility and legitimacy by making inroads into mainline denominations.
An intense love for God is the only thing that will replace the love of sin.
When my husband's sexual sin came to light, I felt like my whole world had come crashing down in an instant.
With God's word, His presence, and the cross, we have so much to offer those who are struggling, so why would we turn to the world for help?
A lustful thought is like a torpedo, cruising silently under the water, toward our ship. Unless we take immediate action, we're in trouble.
While most Christians only need to have their hearts cleansed by the blood of Christ, there are some who need to have their bodies washed.
The grace of God is not an excuse to remain in one’s sin. It is the way out of addiction.
Did Jesus ever say that the practice of homosexuality was a sin? Absolutely, He did!
There are two ways a person affects other people when they view pornography. The first is direct, the second is indirect.
Despite the fact that the tassels and phylacteries have long since gone by the wayside, the spirit of Phariseeism remains alive and well.
One sorrow cares only about the personal cost of sin. The other cares about the offense to God and the impact on other people.
Our nation’s rapid moral and spiritual decline is hurtling us towards the point of no return at breakneck speed.
One of the most prolific sexual predators in history was the Ski Mask Rapist, who began his spree in North Dallas in the summer of 1985.
I have been married almost 32 years. Am I really expected to remain faithful when my wife just does not want to have sex anymore?
If the statistics are correct, many professing Christians are addicted to all kinds of immorality, and they need spiritual help.
Many professing believers today assemble together weekly to exalt God but secretly are weighed down by their idols and hidden sins.
You finally surrendered your life to God. Suddenly you’re ambushed by the enemy and you give in. Here are two things you need to remember.
You’ve gained victory over your lust, but you sense you have started relapsing. What could be the reason for temptation’s renewed strength?
Those who say Christianity is for wimps are clueless about what is required. It is easy to live for self. It takes courage to live for God.
Lots of guys will want to marry her. But what she doesn’t realize is that she will probably attract a man who is secretly addicted to porn.
As parents seek to raise their sons in the Lord, it may be helpful to see how they are measuring up to the Biblical standard.
Many of us have been gripped and overpowered by sin. There is a remedy. It is to be constrained by the love of Christ.
The man who has been involved in sexual sin has had his soul crushed to pieces by its destructive nature. What will you do to help him?
Why does my congregation need to fight for a holier life, pursue a deeper life in God, or desire to be conformed into His image?
Sexual sin is a pervasive issue among the two and a half million convicts in the U.S. prison system.
I have been free from sexual sin for a while but I keep getting pictures from the past in my mind. Is God trying to convict me of something?
This man’s wildest dream come true quickly turned into a nightmare from hell. If only he could have known where his dream would lead him.
The Cross represents both the Holy Spirit’s initial regeneration and also His ongoing work of conforming us into the image of Christ.
Homosexual desires begin in a variety of ways with different people. In this article we explore some of the different factors involved.
It is extremely important for pastors to instill hope in struggling men—even those who battle overwhelming bondage to sexual perversion.
Are we becoming so wrapped up in self-preservation that we can no longer look outside ourselves at the very deep spiritual needs of others?
When pleasure is the main focus of a person's daily existence, it will rot away everything that is wholesome and spiritual in their lives.
Men who indulge in sexual sin often fail to see the devastating effects their actions have on their wives and children.
When a man wants freedom from life-dominating sin, cheap shortcuts simply will not stand the test of time.
"When His Secret Sin Breaks Your Heart" testifies that there is hope for the most dejected of souls and the bleakest of marriages.
If you will press through the obstacles and keep crying out to God with persistent, believing faith, your deliverance is coming!
In the 1980's, two men scripted a sophisticated strategy to overcome all opposition to the total acceptance of the homosexual lifestyle.
I know the hopelessness you are facing. In spite of repeated promises to quit, you’re still trapped in a habit of porn and masturbation.
One glimpse of porn will unleash a deadly poison into a man's soul that will spread through his whole being.
A wise man once told me that I should not expect to be impervious to temptation. So, where is the line between temptation and sin?
A disturbing trend is emerging: “regular guys” are seeking out child pornography in record numbers.
If you want to overcome the cancer of indwelling sin, there is an essential ingredient in the cure that you cannot afford to leave out.
The great need for today is not teachers who look to explain away the guilt of sin but those who will call for its immediate eradication.
Sexual temptation has been one of the devil’s chief weapons against believers since the earliest days of civilizations.
Single Christians who desire to please and glorify Jesus need not be led astray by the world's views when it comes to finding a spouse.
Men who habitually give over to sexual sin enter their own form of insanity. Their insanity is not primarily of the mind but of the heart.
Some say that the issue of homosexuality has brought the Church to a crossroads. But we actually took a wrong turn a long time ago.
King David's lust-filled look at Bathsheba must have made angels weep. How could a man with such a heart for God stoop to such debauchery?
A wife whose husband truly desires victory, but occasionally stumbles, should remain hopeful. God is at work in his heart.
Over the past few years a disturbing new trend has emerged: women viewing pornography in alarming numbers.
A pattern of masturbation will inexorably feed and fan the flames that burn away any resolve a man or woman may have to live for God.
When your child is caught with porn, it is a perfect time to show them how to repent, how to depend, and how to grow in sanctification.
If a person remains in sin long enough, he can reach the terrifying place where he is no longer influenced by the Holy Spirit.
Calling homosexuality sin should give tremendous hope to those struggling with same-sex attraction, because Jesus came to save us from SIN.
A struggling Christian needs discipleship and correction. But if he will not repent, love requires more severe measures.
If a husband is in sexual sin, in what situations does the wife have biblical grounds to divorce him?
The pornography industry opened the door to a world of evil. Pastors must be prepared to take a stand and help those bound in sexual sin.
The hold of sin can be extremely powerful, but one thing is certain: if a person has truly been converted, sin will not—cannot—hold him.
Samson was mightily used to bring deliverance to God's people. But his inability to master his own passions would lead to his downfall.
The enemy fights against a believer’s faith because he knows it is one of the most powerful weapons in the battle with habitual sin.