Why Won't He Just Stop? (Part 1)

September 22, 2019
Pure Life Ministries

Pure Life Ministries has been a pioneer in dealing with sexual addiction and its consequences for over 35 years. During that span of time thousands of people have found freedom through our counseling programs and teaching materials.

“If he really wanted to stop looking at porn, he would!” This kind of thinking seems very reasonable to a wife who has been hurt by many broken promises.

Kathy Gallagher thought this same thing once. Although Steve had a powerful experience of repentance and was fighting with all of his strength to gain freedom from sexual sin, it took him a long time to really get the victory. At first Kathy thought this meant that he wasn’t serious about changing, but she began to realize how powerful Steve’s addiction was, and that human willpower was not enough to break the spiritual chains of pornography addiction.

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Pure Life Ministries
Sacred Things: Why Won't He Just Stop? (Part 1)

Why Won't He Just Stop? (Part 1)

“If he really wanted to stop looking at porn, he would!” This kind of thinking seems very reasonable to a wife who has been hurt by many broken promises.

Kathy Gallagher thought this same thing once. Although Steve had a powerful experience of repentance and was fighting with all of his strength to gain freedom from sexual sin, it took him a long time to really get the victory. At first Kathy thought this meant that he wasn’t serious about changing, but she began to realize how powerful Steve’s addiction was, and that human willpower was not enough to break the spiritual chains of pornography addiction.