The Surprising Origins of the First Antichrist | Babylon Series | Episode 3 Part 1

September 9, 2022

Pure Life Ministries has been a pioneer in dealing with sexual addiction and its consequences for over 35 years. During that span of time thousands of people have found freedom through our counseling programs and teaching materials.

After the flood Noah and his family exited the ark with a clear vision of God’s judgment upon evil. And as they began the toilsome work of rebuilding humanity, they would undoubtedly tell their story to succeeding generations in hopes that another worldwide devastation would be avoided.

But sin will not easily be eradicated from our hearts. Even the terror of divine retribution can be quickly forgotten by the enticement of sin’s promises. Scripture tells us that evil is always lurking, waiting for its chance to be revealed.

One day the ultimate human expression of evil will reveal itself in The Antichrist. Throughout history, many precursors to this man – many “antichrists” – have risen and fallen. What connects them all is a spiritual lineage that can be traced back to that little band of survivors who exited the ark at the dawn of man’s second genesis.


This series is based on the book Intoxicated with Babylon: The Seduction of God’s People in the Last Days by Steve Gallagher. You can find out more about that book by visiting our bookstore.

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The Surprising Origins of the First Antichrist | Babylon Series | Episode 3 Part 1

The Surprising Origins of the First Antichrist | Babylon Series | Episode 3 Part 1

After the flood Noah and his family exited the ark with a clear vision of God’s judgment upon evil. And as they began the toilsome work of rebuilding humanity, they would undoubtedly tell their story to succeeding generations in hopes that another worldwide devastation would be avoided.

But sin will not easily be eradicated from our hearts. Even the terror of divine retribution can be quickly forgotten by the enticement of sin’s promises. Scripture tells us that evil is always lurking, waiting for its chance to be revealed.

One day the ultimate human expression of evil will reveal itself in The Antichrist. Throughout history, many precursors to this man – many “antichrists” – have risen and fallen. What connects them all is a spiritual lineage that can be traced back to that little band of survivors who exited the ark at the dawn of man’s second genesis.


This series is based on the book Intoxicated with Babylon: The Seduction of God’s People in the Last Days by Steve Gallagher. You can find out more about that book by visiting our bookstore.