Pure Life Ministries Podcast Episode #586: I Can't Get Free Unless God Chooses to Set Me Free | The 10 Half-Truths Series

#586 - I Can't Get Free Unless God Chooses to Set Me Free | The 10 Half-Truths Series

Jesus promised us that the truth would set us free. He made no such promises about half-truths. In this episode, Nate Danser examines Scripture to find out why “I can’t get free unless God chooses to set me free” is a half-truth with no power to deliver people from porn addiction. And, one of our residential counselors will talk about how that very half-truth crippled his efforts to break free from pornography. And of course, we’ll look at the full truth that has power to set anyone free!


This is the weekly purity podcast from Pure Life Ministries. Our show will take you where real life meets real Christianity as we tackle the tough issues for those struggling with sexual sin. Thanks for listening!

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