10 Half-Truths Series - Episode 4 - Once and Addict Always an Addict

Once an Addict, Always an Addict | 10 Half-Truths that Keep Us Addicted to Porn

Is "Once an addict, always an addict" actually true, or is it just another half-truth that keeps people addicted to pornography?

In this episode, Steve Gallagher looks at some of the core beliefs of the 12-step systems of recovery, and then compares those with what the Bible teaches about overcoming sin. Plus, one of our staff members shares why he can say (after 17 years of freedom), "I am no longer an addict!"

Steve Gallagher is the Founder and President of Pure Life Ministries. He has dedicated his life to helping men find freedom from sexual sin and leading Christians into the abundant life in God that comes through deep repentance.

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