God Loves Me Just the Way I Am | 10 Half-Truths that Keep Us Addicted to Porn

God Loves Me Just the Way I Am | 10 Half-Truths that Keep Us Addicted to Porn

“God loves me just the way I am” is one of those statements that can either be incredibly liberating, or incredibly dangerous. Liberating when we realize that we don’t have to strive to earn God’s favor. Dangerous if we use God’s unconditional love as an excuse to stay in unrepentant sin.  

In this episode, we'll talk about the unconditional love of God and how we ought to respond to it.

Ed Buch is Vice President for Counseling Programs at Pure Life Ministries. He previously worked as a counselor in a nationally known drug & alcohol addiction ministry, and holds a Master’s in Religion from Evangelical Theological Seminary. He has served at the Ministry since 2005.

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